♚SHE [58] : CIVIL WAR♚

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After changing their clothes as they wear their camouflage uniform and an arm band with the color of their teams.

"Now that I'm here, you have nothing to fear! Hahaha!" a red scarfed girl boastfully laughed as the blue team sweat dropped at her brat like attitude.

"Hey Angel, wouldn't you be easily found by that red scarf of yours?" Kayano asked as the others agreed with her, she'll be easily seen with that eye catching long, red scarf.

"Kayano is right, you should probably take it off for a meanwhile." Sugino suggested as Angel felt her shoulders sink down, then she grabbed on her scarf, protectively.

"I don't wanna! This is precious!" she stated.

"Oh, come on. We can't have you dying on us..."

"Yeah, your strength will be wasted by this upcoming war!"

Maehara grabbed her scarf as Angel continued tugging it, not letting go.

"Shut up! Let go of my scarf!" her scarf slipped from her neck as Angel and Maehara began a game called; tug of war with the red scarf.

"Let go of it already, Angel!" Maehara stated.

"You let go! This is my scarf!" Angel growled.

The other students watched them tugging the red scarf at each ends, some sweat dropped and they just decided to ignore those two fools.

"What're they going?" Itona asked Karma while pointing at the Angel and Maehara, however the red haired boy just shrugged his shoulders.

"Hirito, let go of it already!"

"You just don't understand, you'll be easily targeted by the other team!"

"That's more better than not! In fact, that's why I want to play in this game. I'll surely won't get cau—"

Angel paused from the sound of ripping of fabric that pierced the air, Maehara pulled more until the scarf detached. They held the ruined scarf in their hands, a pair of crimson eyes widened in shock by this. Losing the strength in her legs, she fell down on the ground.

"Angel's scarf...got ripped."

"Oh, no. This doesn't look good."

Maehara panicked at the sight of the ripped red clothing and began to spewing apologies while bowing down.

"I'm sorry Angel! I didn't mean to ripped it open—" he froze as he saw tears rolling down her cheeks while her eyes widened, it landed on the red clothing.

"M-My scarf...it got ripped." her hands dropped on the ground as tears oozing out of her eyes, still couldn't believe it.

"UWAAAH! My scarf! I told you to let go, Hirito! Yet you...you!" she began to cry loudly like a child who's toy was taken away, Maehara continued bowing as he earned a smack in the head by Isogai.

"Boo! You suck, Maehara!"

"You made Angel cry!"

Maehara was really glum as his classmates begun taking out their shits at him, Karma was about to walk up to her but then stopped in his tracks when he saw Nagisa already squatting down in front of the crying Angel.

"D-Don't cry, Angel! We'll fix this!" yet, Angel kept bawling her eyes out as Nagisa panicked while the others did too.

Then Koro-sensei came in the scene. "W-What happened?"

"Maehara ripped Angel's scarf."

"I didn't do it intentionally!"

Then Hara walked up to her as she grabbed the scarf that was ripped in half, she started sewing the scarf together. Slowly, she knits it down tightly, making sure the tight was strong.

She Has A Secret | AC | Karma x OC | Book 2 [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now