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"No! Please don't kill me!"

"I-I didn't killed your...parents!"

"Please have mercy!"

She didn't listen to every word that they have to say, instead she slaughtered them, exterminate, assassinate, killed them... you think about it.

She was like the harbinger of death who killed dozen of people just because of her blind rage of revenge.

"Red Man is in action...!" was what she only said while she killed all of the people in sight, blood stained the floor as they were killed brutally.

It's like as if she was drunk that night, but not really. In such a young age, she was able to merciless killed innocent people who did nothing.

Once she realized what she did, she dropped her knife that was stained with blood as her eyes widened.

In front of her, lays lots of dead bodies of different body stature, there were kids, adults, and pedestrians.

The moon was glowing brightly down at the girl who was soaked with blood that doesn't belong to her, her knees started to shake as tears escaped her crimson eyes.

"W-What...have I done?" she muttered.

Her body was shaking uncontrollably, immediately regretting what she did to the innocent people.

"Hold it right there!" a voice yelled as she froze, slowly, she turned to the people behind her...it was the cops, lots of them.

"No way, this girl...is the killer?"

"I refuse to believe that someone young as her killed all these people!"

"I feel so s-sick right now..."

Her crimson eyes were glued at them, then she noticed that they have weapons, one thing struck her.

'They're going to arrest me.' is what she thought, she grabbed her knife that was laying on the floor and swift fully ran to the cops and slashed them with her blood stained knife.

"So she really did it...?!"

"We can talk later, for now—hold her down!"

Before she could kill another person, she was shot from behind and her eye vision blackened out.

End of Dream...

She woke up from her slumber as bead of sweat fell from her body, she was dreaming about that dream again.

"Every time I close my eyes...that dream always hunts me."

She stood up from her bed and stepped on the wooden floor, she was getting her uniform from the closet as a picture came out flying.

She picked it up as her eyes widened from the picture that she was holding right now in her hands.

"W-What's with this...picture?"

The picture was a family of three, she and her parents smiling, it was before they were assassinated and before she even became an assassin.

She spotted something peculiar, rather, someone peculiar. There was a boy standing next to her, smiling.

He had strawberry blonde locks and a pair of magenta eyes, he was a handsome young boy.

"No way...this is Gakushu!" she stood up to get some more picture when her head bumped into the wood, because of the shock, tons of picture came out from the place.

She Has A Secret | AC | Karma x OC | Book 2 [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now