Chapter7:Getting Ready to move with my brother/Metting my brother and sister

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~Selena's pov~

I woke up at 1:30pm and called Perriana and Jennifer to see if they could come to my house they both said yes then I went downstairs to wait for my friends the door bell rang and I opened it to see Jennifer and Perriana at the door and we all went upstairs to my room and Jennifer and Perriana helped me pack up everything I needed all we packed was my clothes, bra, underwear, my makeup, my tooth brush, my hair brush, my hair ties my school uniform, my shoes,my bows,my ear phones, my laptop, and my picture of my friends and family. When we were done it was 4:50pm.

~Liam's pov~

It was 4:50pm. so I decided that I should leave now I told the boys I was going to pick up the person that was coming over I still didn't tell the boys that the person is my sister and that she is going to live with us. Then I was interrupted by Louis asking if he could come and I said no.

~Selena's pov~

It was 5pm and the door bell rang and my mom went to go get it when she opened it she huged my brother then my brother came in and sat down on the sofa I was looking down on my phone untill my mom tapped my shoulder and said this is your brother I looked up and said hi then Jennifer and Perriana got up and said they were leaving and that they will see me at school tomorrow I said goodbye to them then a few seconds latter me and my brother got up we both said goodbye to our mom and then we left.

~Liam's pov~

Me and my sister got in my car my sister haven't said alot so when I started driving I truned on the radio and they don't know about us was on then I started singing and then thats when my sister started singing we were just singing then we got to the house and I helped my sister with her stuff then me and my sister walked in and nobody was in the living room so me and my sister sat down on the sofa then I said im home and then thats when everybody came out the kitchen.

~Niall's pov~

Me, Harry, Zayn, and Louis were in the kitchen we heard Liam say im home so we all whent to the living room and we all said hi to Liam and that when I noticed that a girl was sitting next to Liam and she had head phones on and she was looking at her phone that's when I asked Liam who is the girl sitting next to him he said it is his sister then Liam tapped her and she tookout one of her ear phones and looked at Liam.

~Selena's pov~

My brother tapped me and I took out one of my hear phones and I looked at him he told me to look up and I did as he said that's when everyone was looking at me I went to Liam's ear and whispered why are they looking at me then thats when he whispered to me to say hi and I did what he said.

~Zayn's pov~

The girl who was sitting next to Liam started to whisper in Liam's ear something then Liam whispered back to her something then she nodded her head then she said hi we all said hi then sat down on the sofa across from them then Liam mouth to us to ask some questions to her.

~Selena's pov~

Zayn asked me what is my full name I said my name is Selena Marie Payne. Then thats when Niall asked me how tall am I and I said im 5ft 6 inches. Then Louis asked me what color are my eyes I said brown. Then Harry asked me how old am I and I said 17 about to be 18 on August 2nd. Then my brother asked me what kind of stuff do I do and I said I do cheerleading, gymnastics, and soccer.

~Harry's pov~

Liam asked is sister what kind of stuff does she do when she said she does cheerleading I tough in my head so we got a cheerleader over at our house thats when Liam said lets watch a movie then thats when Selena said let's watch a scary movie then Liam said okay and said to his sister to go get change she said okay.

~Selena's pov~

Liam told me to get change and I said okay I got my stuff and asked were is the bathroom Liam told me and I said thank you and I went to the bathroom and took off my clothes then I put on my purple pajama shorts and a light purple shirt and put on my orange shocks when I was done I went back to the living room and sat back down were I was sitting.

~Niall's pov~

When Selena was done we started the movie in the middle of the movie Louis was screaming then at the end me, Liam and Selena were awake so us three went up stairs Selena and Liam went to Liam's room I went to mine and I was thinking if I have fellings for Selena.

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