I'm Not Obsessed

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I'm not obsessed. I'm just Passionate about my music, About My Chemical Romance In particular actually. I mean, I haven't seen them live or anything... Mum won't let me go. Shame. Bet it would be pretty epic. Mum thinks I'm to obsessed but I'm not really though. I'd only buy a Kerrang! issue if My Chemical Romance was in it yes... But still, I'm not obsessed.

My friends think I'm weird, only because I listen to them to keep myself alive. They saved me more times than you can ever imagine. I literally owe them my life.

ENOUGH ABOUT THEM. Well, I'm at home at the minute... Talking to myself about my life of My Chemical Romance. There I go again, mentioning them. My rooms the right size. I have a bed which I could spend my life in, I love sleep.

"Charlotte, you ready?" Mum shouted and I sighed, She wanted to go shopping. I do like shopping but with mum, it just drags on. I grabbed my Ipod and ran downstairs.

"Ready" I smiled and she shook her head

"You are NOT going out like that" She looked me up and down, what was wrong with how I looked? I had black skinny jeans, a purple jacket and my hair was big and black? "What have you got on your face!?" She asked moving closer. Okay, I think I went over the top on the Mascara and eyeliner but still.

"Mum, I'm 17" I moaned and she shook her head

"I don't care, if you're living in my house you can take that off" She ordered and I grunted running upstairs into the bathroom. Why can't I look how I want to? If I want make up on surely I can? I do love my mum but she wants me to be this pretty innocent girl in pink when I'm not. I took my make up off and stared at my reflection, great. Now people get to see the true 'Beauty' in me. Fuck. My. Life. I ran downstairs and stared at her.

"READY!" I shouted in her face and she frowned at me, I quickly ran to the car and jumped in shoving my headphones over my ears to block out her nagging. I put Dead! on full blast and smiled. Oh the big imagination I have. She jumped in the car and started driving, I looked at her and nodded as her mouth kept opening and closing.

When we got there and I took my headphones off she was still moaning. Don't you just love bonding time?

"Right, no putting things in the trolley, I have a list Charlotte" She told me stepping out of the car and I did the same.

"Can't I at least get one thing?" I sighed doing my best puppy eyed look and surprisingly she nodded and smiled. I grabbed a trolley and ran with it into the shop, I put my feet on it and travelled with it smiling at the old people who was giving me dirty looks.

"Charlotte!" Mum shouted and I quickly stopped. I have to find something fun to do while I'm being dragged round the shop...

"Ugh" I muttered under my breath and as I went to turn round I saw the magazine stand. In the middle was 1 copy of Kerrang! and on it... Was My Chemical Romance. I ran to it with the trolley and looked, it was a special one? JUST MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!? I grabbed it and put it in the trolley quickly. Mine.

I ran up to mum and smiled hugely. "Come on then, lets get this done quickly!" I shouted eagerly snatching the list and running down the isles grabbing the food. At least I had something to look forward to when I got home.

My room would be full of posters now, I wouldn't mind... Mum would ha. Oh well, she hardly comes in my room and if she takes them down I'll go mad. She won't bother me. I hope. If she does then I could always get my revenge...

"DONE" I shouted putting the last item on the list in the trolley, I looked at her smiling and her eyes were wide. "Can we pay now?" I asked eagerly and she nodded. We ran to the till and I loaded the shopping onto the till. The lady at the till was literally killing me, she was going so slow. I tapped my fingers on the metal impatiently.

"£49.50 please" Her voice was horrible, I grabbed the food and my magazine and shoved them into the bags. Mum paid and we both ran to the car. Mum better put her foot on that pedal, I have a magazine to read...

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