Don't go

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I woke up and opened my eyes slowly to see Frank laying next to me... Staring and smiling. I quickly rolled over and fell of the bed.

"Ouch" I whispered rubbing my butt and heard Frank laugh

"You okay there Charlotte?" He asked tilting his head over the bed to look at me.

"Apart from you giving me a freaking heart attack and making me hurt my butt... Yeah I'm fine" I shrugged and stood up. I looked at the clock on the wall and my jaw hit the floor. It's 8am. I need to get home. I walked to the door and Frank followed me

"Where you going?" He asked still smiling

"I have to go home" I whispered and he ran in front of me stopping me from walking any further. His smile dropped and he looked into my eyes.

"Don't go" He whispered and I shook my head "Please, eat first" He did his puppy eyes look and I had to give in. I nodded and he grabbed me pulling me into a hug. "I hope you like pancakes" He chuckled and I smiled. Oh yes, I do. He lead me into the dining room where everyone sat smiling, why did they always smile? I sat down at the end and Ray ran in putting some pancakes in front of me. I smiled at him and thanked him before eating them slowly.

"What do you want to do today then?" Gerard asked me 

"Go home, sort my family out" I shrugged and they all frowned

"You want to go?" Mikey asked and I nodded "Why?"

"I don't want my parents to worry, I'll go tell them I'm going round my friends because of homework" I shrugged and they all looked

"You don't have to go back" Frank whispered and I quickly shot him a look

"I do have to" I sighed "No matter how screwed up my family is, no matter what they do. I love them, I have to go back" I muttered.

"Will you come back?" Gerard asked raising an eyebrow

"Of course" I smiled and they all smiled back. My parents are going to go insane If I keep going. Ah well. I finished the pancakes and stood up slowly. "I better get going" I shrugged and they all ran over to hug me. Not going to lie, I love this attention.

"We'll see you soon" Ray whispered pulling away

"We'll have to go to your world someday" Gerard whispered pulling away, then Mikey pulled away smiling at me. I stood there awkwardly as Frank didn't let go. "Frank, let her go" Gerard chuckled and shot him a look. After about 5 minutes of hugging he finally pulled away looking down. "Like she said, she'll be back"

"Can I come with you?" Frank asked me and I gasped, Frank... Coming to the real world? Even though somewhere in the world the real Frank is in the real world. Wow, that's confusing.

"Sure" I shrugged looking at the rest of them. "Anyone else?" I asked them laughing and they shook there heads.

"We'll stay here, if anything goes wrong we'll come and get you" Mikey told Frank and he nodded. Frank grabbed my hand and literally dragged me to the poster. 

"This will be fun" He smiled and jumped through it pulling me with him. I landed on my feet and looked round. My room seemed boring compared to being in there world. Frank let go of my hand and looked round. I looked at the poster and Frank was literally missing from it. Weird how I didn't appear on the poster... Or did I?

"Nice room" He whispered smiling, his eyes were fixed on the posters of My Chemical Romance, of course... He wouldn't know there famous. "Nice picture" He chuckled.

"Your a band remember, your famous" I grabbed the black parade album and handed it to him "That's one of your albums" I smiled and he ran to the stereo putting it on. He stood up and listened to it.

"Who's singing?" He asked me

"Gerard" I smiled "You, Mikey and Ray are on the guitars" He looked at me confused and shook his head.

"I've never played a guitar before... Gerard's never sang either" He muttered. How weird. Me and Frank jumped a foot in the air when a loud bang came from the door.

"CHARLOTTE!?" I heard Dad shout, Frank stared at me and I gulped. Oh shit, he can't find him in here... He'll go insane. Me and Frank started looking around the room for hiding places.

"Just go back in the poster!" I whispered loudly and Frank refused, he quickly ran to the bed and rolled under it just as Dad opened the door.

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