Pretty weird dream...

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I opened my eyes slowly and smiled, pretty weird dream... Pretty epic dream actually. Shame I'll never dream of it again. I sat up in my bed slowly and looked at the poster at the end of my bed. My heart skipped a beat, Mikey and Ray was frowning in it... Looking at each other whilst Frank and Gerard kept close to the front smiling.

"What the fuck" I whispered and looked at the other posters, they looked the same but that one... It kept changing, maybe I was going insane? I grabbed a top from of the floor and went to take my one I had on off but heard a noise... A Voice... I stopped and looked around, I looked at the poster and they was all staring at me making me fall off the bed.

I grabbed the top and ran out of the room scared. What the fuck? I looked behind me and ended up bumping into someone. I looked forward to see Mum standing there. Oh great.

"Charlotte? You okay?" She asked raising and eyebrow and I nodded

"Need a.. Pee?" Really? Is that all I could think of? She nodded and walked off. I ran to the bathroom and changed into some clothes. I was becoming messed up, hallucinating too much. Ah well, hallucinating MCR isn't that bad. I walked downstairs and saw dad. Oh great, prepared to get lectured for being myself and swearing. I tried to avoid him but he stood in front of me.

"I think you should apologise for your rudeness" He frowned and I sighed

"I'm sorry for not doing as you say even though I stuck up for something" I shrugged and he frowned even more.

"Why do you have to be like this? Rude..."

"Why do i have to be myself? Hm, I'm not sure... Maybe because I want to be myself instead of pretending to be someone I'm not?" I shouted in his face and he pulled his arm back, was he about to slap me? He dropped it quickly and I stepped back.

"Charlotte..." He softened his voice and I shook my head.

"No, I don't want to hear what your going to say. I know you don't mean it" I gritted my teeth and ran upstairs into my room slamming the door shut. I barricaded it again and curled up near the door. Why would he even think about hitting me?

"Don't cry" I heard a voice whisper and I quickly looked up, my eyes were blurred but there was no one in the room. I stood up slowly wiping my eyes and looking around, I looked at the big poster and they all looked concerned? 

"Your not real" I whispered frowning yet I still started walking up to the poster... Talking to it. Gerard's hand was out as if he wanted me to take it. I laughed and stood in front of the poster. I stared at it, taking in there expressions. "Your. Not. Real" I whispered again to myself.

"Charlotte open up!" I heard dad shout and lifted my arm so my hand was close to the poster. I turned my head to look at the door but felt a hand grab mine and jerk me forward. I closed my eyes tightly and felt arms wrap around me.

"Sh, sh, it's okay your here with us now" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes confused and looked up to see Gerard again. I pushed him backing away from him and looking around. What is this? What's happening?

"Calm down..." Frank whispered from behind me and I jumped quickly moving again. "Charlotte please" He whispered and I backed up to a wall.

"This isn't real" I whispered holding my head and they crowded round me. "Your just a poster!?" I screamed at them and they looked at me confused.

"You need to calm down" Ray whispered trying to put his hand on my shoulder but I moved away, Frank grabbed me and I tried kicking him but Mikey grabbed my legs.

"I wanna go back! I wanna go home!" I shouted but they put me on a sofa and held me there. "Please let me go home!" I frowned

"No, not until we get answers and you calm down" Gerard whispered sitting next to me. So much shit is going on, I just got dragged through a poster!?

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