I need to go home

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I saw dad walked in the room and stared at me, I smiled the innocentest smile I could and stared at him.

"Where have you been!?" He questioned me and I sighed

"I went to my friends.. I had a lot of homework" I shrugged and he walked closer to me, I could smell alcohol. My dad was actually drinking?

"YOU DON'T JUST GO AND NOT TELL US! WE WAS WORRIED SICK!" He shouted in my face and I backed up.

"I'm sorry" I whispered and he slammed his fist again the wall. I jumped back and heard Frank mutter something, Dad looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"Who else is here?" He asked looking around, oh fuck.

"No one.. Why!?"

"I heard someone... There's a boy in your room!? What have we told you about inviting boys over! YOU SNEAK HIM IN THINKING WE WON'T FIND OUT!?" He shouted at me and I shook my head more, why didn't Frank just go back in the poster.

"DAD! There's no one here just me and you" I shouted back and he walked up to me grabbing my wrist. "Dad.. Calm down" I whimpered and he frowned.

"Don't lie to me"

"I.. I'm not" I whispered as he held my wrist tighter "Dad, let go your hurting me!" I screamed trying to pull my wrist away, all of a sudden a book hit his leg and he let go. WHAT THE FUCK FRANK!? A BOOK!?

"Who threw that!?" He asked looking around

"It fell from the shelf" I whispered pointing to the shelf near me, thank god we was near it. The only other excuse i had was poltergeist activity. Dad looked up at it and sighed.

"I'm sorry Charlotte... I was just worried sick! You didn't tell us anything!" He whispered sadly. I nodded in agreement, I didn't tell them anything, they had a right to be worried.

"I'm so sorry, it won't happen again"

"Oh i know it won't, cause your grounded" He frowned and I sighed. He went to leave but looked at the end of my bed, at the poster. He walked up to it slowly and stared at it.

"What's wrong?" I asked nervously

"I swear there's supposed to be another person in this poster" He muttered to himself and walked back to me.

"Dad, go have a lie down" I whispered to him and he nodded walking off. The door closed and I turned round to see Gerard stand there worried.

"Did he hurt you?" He whispered looking at my wrist and I shrugged, Frank rolled out from under the bed and ran to me.

"I'm fine" I whispered and stared at Frank "You lobbed a fucking book at him!?" I whispered trying not to raise my voice

"He was hurting you... At least it made him let go?" He shrugged

"Thanks" I smirked

"I'm not letting you stay here" Gerard told me "Your coming back with us" He ordered taking my hand and dragging me to the poster.

"No Gerard" I said trying to pull my hand away. Frank was walking behind me and pushing me forwards. "Guys Stop!" I shouted but Gerard walked through the poster and dragged me with him. He walked me to the sofa and sat me down.

"His dangerous, I'm not letting you get hurt!" He shouted and I quickly stood up running to the poster. Ray and Frank stood there guarding it, not letting me through.

"I need to go home. I'll be fine now, please let me go through" I begged but they didn't budge. What the hell was they doing!? "I have to go back to MY world" I whispered walking into them but Frank pushed me back.

"No, your staying here" He told me in a deep voice. I stepped back slightly and stared at him, they was keeping me here? Against my will? Why? I knew they cared but if they cared that much then they would let me go.

"Go get some sleep" Gerard told me and I shook my head "I wasn't asking" He warned and I quickly ran to the bedroom. Wait wait wait, they suddenly just turned on me!? WHAT THE FUCK!? I needed to go home... I just... I had to!

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