This is bad!

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The real My Chemical Romance was standing right in front of me and yet I haven't freaked out. Maybe it's because of the fakes watching my every move in the poster next to me. Maybe it's because they could pop out anytime and freak the real band out.

"Happy birthday!" Frank chuckled and I walked to them slowly. This is extremely weird...

"I uh" I mumbled trying to think of something, I forgot my own freaking birthday!? Really!? Wow. Wait, why are My Chemical Romance here if my parents don't like them? Plus I'm grounded because I 'ran away' so why give me this treat? What a total mind fuck.

"You don't seem...Surprised" Mikey whispered and I shook my head.

"I uh, just...Coming back to reality...It's such a weird shock" I whispered rubbing my head awkwardly. I took a peek at the poster and saw them get closer. Shit. "Why don't we go downstairs"I chuckled nervously "My rooms a mess" I whispered trying to push them out of the room but it didn't work, they didn't budge.

"No it's not" Ray smiled and sat down on my bed "It's quite clean for a teenagers room" He smiled and I looked at the poster sadly. Too close.

"Nice poster" Gerard whispered walking to that exact poster, shit! I shouldn't have looked at it. "I don't remember doing this pose" He chuckled slightly and touched it. My heart was racing and I watched carefully. "Strange" He shrugged and walked away making me relax a little. "If you don't want us in your room we understand" He smiled and Ray stood up. I nodded and they walked to the door.

"Don't leave" I heard a male voice say making them stop, I looked to the side to see all of the fake My Chem there staring. "This is...Fun" He smiled and the real band stared with there jaws opened wide.

"What..The..." Frank whispered walking to his fake self. 

"I'm Frank" The fake Frank whispered holding his hand out, they stood in a line holding there hands out and the real band took them shaking them.

"There's something weird with the poster...They can come into this world and we can go into there's. It's hard to explain and oh so weird but please believe me" I sighed, I sounded stupid to them but it's the truth!

"I don't know what to believe anymore" Mikey whispered staring at his fake self.

"You guys should see our world, it's awesome" The fake Frank smiled excited and the real band looked at each other.

"I'll go" The real Gerard whispered walking with the Fake Frank to the poster. Everyone apart from me walked to the poster and stared into it. This isn't right, it doesn't feel right and I know something bad is going to happen. 

"Go in" I heard the fake Mikey whisper to the real Mikey. He looked at him uncertain then stepped in slowly. Then it hit me. I knew what the fakes were doing.

"NO!" I screamed but they pushed the real band into the poster. The fake Frank jumped out and the fake Gerard took the poster off the wall.

"Say goodbye" He smirked then ripped it into tiny pieces as Mikey and Ray ran and held me back. "Whoops?" He smiled dropping the little bits onto the floor. They let go off me and I ran to the little pieces, trying to stick them back together with blue tac.

"Won't work" Frank whispered kneeling beside of me.

"You...Killed them" I whispered tearing up.

"They aren't dead" Ray mumbled from behind me "They're just stuck in that hell hole" He walked to the door and smiled.

"You can't just take over there lives!" I shouted at them and they all turned to me smiling evilly. Frank pulled me up and held me still.

"Oh we can, And guess what! You're living it with us" Gerard smirked and I went limp. The real My Chem are stuck in a poster, lost in a world we can't get to anymore. The fakes have become the real them and I'm stuck with them. How will this affect the band? The fans? I have a feeling there will be no band now. My life has become hell with them..

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