What was that?

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I literally jumped out of the car and ran up to my room. Geesh, I was like a kid with a new barbie doll. I dived on my bed and started reading the magazine. Well, not really reading since there was only posters. Oh I do love Kerrang!

I sat up and started pulling the posters out carefully, I god help me if I ripped them. I'd literally cry for days, sad I know but yeah... I love them. I laid the posters out carefully looking at them all, why the hell do they have to be back to back!? COME ON! This makes choosing harder.

In the end I picked out the ones I wanted (With some difficulty may I add) and started putting them on my walls. There was a big poster which weirdly wasn't double sided, the other side was... Blank. Probably a mistake they made but ah well. I put that one quite low down near the end of my bed. I could sleep looking at it...Muhahah. Eh-em, crazy moment over.

"Charlotte, Dinner's ready!" Mum shouted, already? Geesh. I sighed and walked out of my room to the stairs. I stopped at the top when I heard whispers.

"Mum, is this house haunted by any chance?" I shouted and looked around, I heard her laugh like a witch and sighed.

"No it isn't, come down and get your dinner before I make it haunted!" She shouted trying to stop laughing. Yeah, cause that makes sense. I rolled my eyes and walked down running to the table where the food laid. Mmm Food. I sat there smiling like a dork as mum sat down. Dad walked in and sat with us.

"Tuck in" He smiled and I immediantly started shoving my mouth with food. Dad stared at me, probably thinking I was being impolite and rude... Even though it's my own house. I slowed my eating down and smiled at him.

"So how was your day at work?" Mum asked dad and I ignored them, they're too boring. I itched my wrist where the wrist band was and dad stared

"Fine... Charlotte, can you take that off?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I looked down at it and shook my head "Now" He ordered and I hid my wrist.


"Because I know what you've been doing"

"I haven't been...."

"It's that stupid music you listen to! Emo music right? Making you do this to yourself!" How fucking dare he.

"THEY SAVED ME!" I shouted standing up


"Fuck you" I muttered under my breath and heard them both gasp. Shit, I quickly walked off and heard them shout after me. I don't care what they say, MCR aren't emo. They don't push me to do anything I don't want to do.

"CHARLOTTE!" I heard dad shout and ignored it again, Why can't they understand? MCR want everyone to be themselves and here my parents are trying to change me... To make me there perfect princess. No, I'm not having it. I ran upstairs and into my room slamming it shut and barricading it. Fuck them. 

I Sat on my bed and sighed, arguing over something stupid like this? Really?

"Sh, it's okay" I heard someone whisper and I quickly jumped up, What was that? I looked around the room... Looking under everything and behind everything to see who was there.

"Who are you?" I asked still looking and there was no reply. I sighed and looked at the big poster near the end of my bed, something was... Different? Gerard had his hands in his pockets when I walked out... Now there reaching out as If to grab me? Weird. Probably just didn't look at it properly. Even though Frank's frowning and staring. Wow, this is very creepy...I shook my head ignoring my weird thoughts and laid on the bed, I need sleep. Hallucinations are a bad sign. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

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