Chapter 1: The Return

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'Ding' My phone dragged my attention from the dull establishment in front of me.

The screen told me that the message was from an 'Unknown' number, before showing me the actual message:

'Are you there yet?'

I replied simply:

'Yup, finally back in the world's dullest town...The ancient Mystic falls.'

Their reply was quick:

'I can already see you rolling your eyes in boredom. Just endure it, it won't be long before I can come visit ;)'

I tapped away at the keypad:

'You better be quick, it'll be so fun for everyone to see you ;)'

After the message sent I trapped the phone in my pocket, picked my bag up from the sidewalk and entered the grill. Looking around I noticed how much darker and depressing the small building had gotten, who knew a lot could change in 10 months...

"Elena? Shouldn't you be in school?" I heard a taunting tone from behind me.     Turning I came face to face with a familiar face, clear blue eyes hidden with dark sunglasses.

"Didn't see the point today" I shrugged, attempting to hide a smirk Elena would never wear.

"What happened to your hair" he held a curl slightly before releasing it.

"They're natural, couldn't be bothered straightening it" I shrugged again, turned around and headed towards a table. Taking a seat I pulled out my phone and clicked on my photos, seeing who I was talking to and all their information just as they sat facing me. "Was there something you needed, Damon?" I hid the phone in the pocket and looked at him.

"What does saint Stefan think of you skipping school?" he smirked.

"I forgot when Stefan controlled my every move" I narrowed my eyes slightly, is Elena really allowing a vampire to boss her around?

"The love of your highschool life, you'd do anything for each other" he rolled his eyes.

"Well that's pathetic, I need a serious talk with myself" I muttered slightly, he frowned and moved to speak again until I cut him off. "Do you mind going away? I only want something to eat, and then I'm leaving" I said in a sickly sweet tone, he looked confused but got up and headed for the bar anyway.

I pulled out my phone again:

'Just ran into one of The Salvatores, definitely a good start to my arrival ;)'


Elena, Caroline, Matt and what looks like Stefan arrived shortly after Jenna had started drinking with Damon and Kelly. I moved into a corner, none of them saw me and Damon must have assumed I'd changed my clothes and hair before joining the others if he's noticed their arrival and my disappearance.

I watched Caroline rush to the bathroom and Elena slowly follow after, this was my chance. I stood up and grabbed my things, before making my way over to the slightly confused boys. "How's Care?" Matt asked straight away, not even noticing my change in clothes and far better hair do.

"Fine, she just needs a minute or two alone" I softened my big doe eyes and gave him a small smile.

"Elena? What happened to your hair? Clothes? The bag?" I turned to a frowning Stefan.

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