Chapter 13: Lemonade Can Be Poisonous To Your Kind?

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"Here you go" I handed Jeremy his coffee as he sat at the table.

"Kat" he sighed.

"Don't worry, I just thought you'd want coffee" I promised.

"Thank you, but you know you didn't have to" he made clear.

"I know, I know. I promise I'm not babying you because I still feel overwhelmingly guilty for you dying, you're my little brother and I'm allowed to make you coffee so shush" I playfully scolded.

"I don't blame you" he reassured me.

"I know you don't, and you don't know how thankful I am for that. You're a really great brother Jer, and even though you've heard it a thousand time's I'm still really sorry for what happened to you...Is Elena still upstairs?" he simply nodded to my questioned so I made my way upstairs and to her closed door, I heard voices and decided to listen.

"You ready for today?" is that Stefan? But I thought they broke up.

"No" was Elena's pouty response to his question. "I hate fighting with you, even if it's fake."

"I know. But if Katherine thinks that we're fighting, then she'll think she's winning. And that keeps her from following through on her threats" well that explains it, thanks for that Stefan.

"Yeah, well, that doesn't make it any easier. Neither does knowing that Caroline will be there reporting everything back to her" wow, so Caroline's who Katherine's using to tear the epic couple apart.

"Hey. Everything's gonna be ok. Yes, we have to keep up this ruse for a little while, but it's the best way to keep Katherine from hurting anybody. From hurting you" Stefan reassured his adorable little girlfriend.

"Just promise me that she won't get her way with us. We can fake a fight, we can pretend that her threats are tearing us apart. But none of it's real. Ok?" Elena double checked.

"Ok. How about this? Today when we're fighting, if I say, 'I can't do this anymore, Elena,' what I'll really mean is that 'I love you'." awww Steffie, you're so mushy.

"And when I say, 'Fine, Stefan, whatever,' it really means 'I love you, too'." great(!) My sister's just as mushy.

"Deal" Stefan's whisper was barely detectable.

I grew tired of their cuteness when I knew they were kissing, so I sounded three loud knocks on the door. "Elena? I'm leaving now if you still want a lift" I smirked slightly as I pulled away from the door and headed towards my car.


'Wanna join me and some friends for drinks at my place?'

I frowned down at my phone, does Tyler honestly expect a friendship from me?

'Sorry, I'm busy at the picnic thing today. Maybe some other time?'

I rolled my eyes as I read over my answer.

His reply was quick:

'Okay, cool.'

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