Chapter 22: And I'm A Third Wheel Because?...

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"Are you crazy?" I frowned at Elena as she showed me our packed bags.

"For wanting to spend time with my sister?" she copied the frown.

"For inviting me on your couples getaway" I corrected. "Why do you want me to third wheel it?" I moved past her and towards the fridge.

"We've barely had twin time since you got back?" her reason seemed like a question as I made myself a drink.

"Your reasoning becomes useless thanks to your white knight tagging along for the ride(!) Wouldn't his presence interrupt twin time?" I turned back to her.

"He wants to keep us safe" her answer was quick.

"In our cabin that no vampire has been invited into?" I quirked a brow.

"Werewolves are running around and Stefan doesn't trust them, he thinks they'll try to go after you because you're the doppelganger and he just want's to keep an eye on you" Elena promised.

"Do I have to?" I grumbled slightly.

"Yes, I was just asking to be nice. I already cleared it with Jenna" I rolled my eyes at Elena's answer. "If it makes you feel better, it's a pass to get away from John for a while" she tried to soften the blow of her dragging me with her on her couple trip.

"Fine" I gave in. "Shout me when Steffie's here" I picked up the packed bag and started for the stairs, let's see if Elena has met my packing standards.


As soon as we arrived I got out of the car, my own--Thank you very much. Stefan offered a lift, but what if I want a quick get-away? I walked inside and was slapped in the face with memories, nothing had's as though the cabin is frozen, identical to the last time I was here.

After I'd rushed my bag upstairs and unpacked, I heard Stefan and Elena downstairs. As I joined them they were making out on the kitchen counter. "Keep it PG please" I smirked as they jumped apart, Elena blushing slightly. "You wanted twin time, I'm not here to commentate on whatever you guys get up to."

"Won't happen again, ma'am" Stefan did a little salute and picked up his and Elena's bags. "I'll take these upstairs, you can have your 'twin time'." Stefan whizzed away.

"Great, now why did you want twin time?" I asked Elena and moved to the cupboards behind her, looking for something to drink.

"It's just all this sacrifice stuff..." her sentence trailed off as I found a lovely bottle that could get me drunk, screwing the cap off I took a swig from it. "I just want to know why you're so determined to give up" I noticed she got some ice cream while speaking. Oh Elena, always the one to turn to sugar if stressed.

"Is this still bothering people? I've made a deal with Elijah, now. Trust me, I'm not running to Klaus anytime soon" I promised and took another swig.

"Why do you trust him?" she frowned at me before eating a spoonful of ice cream.

"Because he knows exactly what to do. No guesses, no dreams, basic facts" I shrugged before moving towards the small sound system that was barely used when I was younger. Looking through a few CD's I found one that seemed fun, I pressed play and laughed slightly when Elena jumped at the sudden noise that emitted from the speakers.

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