Chapter 24: Freedom Looks Good On You

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"I don't care what you have to say on the subject Matty, you're not convincing me to talk to her, end of story" I aggressively shoved some unwanted books into my locker.

"She's your sister, Kat" he reminded me.

"I did grow up with the b!**h Matty, I know what she is" I slammed the locker shut as he gave me a look. "Okay, that was too far, she isn't a b!**h." he nodded, thankful I corrected myself. "She's my sister and she really upset me, that's enough reason to not talk to her right?"

"But you're not only not talking, you moved into my house and still won't tell me what she did" Matt tried to get me to spill again.

"She just..." I trailed off when I saw her walk down the school hallway with Stefan. "I'm gonna go" I turned to walk away, succeeding until Matty caught my arm.

"You need to talk to her at some point" Mathew lovingly mentioned as he pulled me back to face him.

"Can I wait until I'm on my deathbed(?)" I smirked and Matty rolled his eyes, from the corner of my eye I saw Stefan and Elena approaching us. And from the look on Elena's face, Stefan told her what I just said.

"Hey Kat" she greeted with a nervous smile. "Can I talk to you for a minute" she gave Matt a look.

"Is your bodyguard gonna join?--Get between us if I hurt your feelings?" I deadpanned while looking at Stefan.

"Kat?" I turned my eyes to her puppy dog look. "Please?"

"Lose the watchdog then" I pressed the issue.

"Fine" she sighed and we walked away, leaving Matt and Stefan at my locker.

"What do you want, Elena?" I asked once we were inside an empty classroom.

"Your forgiveness? You to come home? My sister back?" she listed off in questionable format.

"What do you want that I can actually do something about?" I kept my poker face.

"Oh come on, Kat! Are you gonna hate me forever over this?!" she let her frustration get the better of her.

"Maybe" her eyes widened with my answer. "What do you expect, Elena? You went behind my back, killed my only chance of survival, are ganging up on your own sister with two idiot vampires, and to make matters worse you did the worst impression ever of me! You're lucky I'm talking to you right now."

"I didn't know that's how you felt about the Salvatore's" she whispered in realization.

"I'm not just saying this to get you on my side, Elena, but even if our roles were reversed and I'd be p!$$ed if you made every decision I'm making...your still my twin and I love you, and it might be the hardest thing in the world but if you were making these decisions, if your heart was set, then I would try my hardest to support you. I wouldn't scheme, trick and bait you into doing what I thought was right" god was that a heartfelt speech.

"I just don't want to lose you" she admitted.

"I don't wanna lose me either, do you think I wanna die? I'm terrified, I'm scared $h!tless of Klaus showing up to kill me, but I can't do anything about it can I? My complaining and misery won't save my life, dodgy deals with an ancient grandpa might have been my golden ticket but I guess we'll never know now thanks to you guys and your meddling" I blamed.

"They were just trying to help you Kat, and I know you don't want or feel like you need it, but can't you have a little faith in Stefan and Damon? Give us a chance? You may think we're just making matters worse but you won't even listen to what we have to offer" Elena tried to convince me.

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