Chapter 27: Mr. Fancy Suit Ain't Lookin' So Fancy

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It was so quiet in the boarding house tonight, Elena must be asleep, all the drama must have tuckered her out. Stefan is obviously beside her, keeping her safe from anything and everything. And Damon? Probably passed out drunk or wide awake debating life's possibilities, or attempted to do both.

Knowing I was practically alone I speed walked to the basement door, opening it gently I walked down the dusty-a$$ stairs, would it kill the guys to pull out a feather duster every now and then? Finding the locked cell door, I glanced back one more time before moving the lock aside, god was that loud! What was the need for the echo? And now the door's creaking?! Are You Kidding Me?!

Pushing it open I was met with a gray Elijah, wearing a burnt up suit most probably from Damon. Who else is destructive? Strolling forward I stopped beside him and kneeled down, easily gripping the daggers handle and pulling it out with a firm tug, sliding back I allowed myself to sit against the mound of rock and dirt behind me. I guess now we play the waiting game.

A game I didn't want to play. Waiting, waiting...waiting some more, it's about as fun as watching paint dry. After what feels like a few hours you move positions, so I now sat with my back to the door, eyes still on him. Then the boredom kicks in, forcing a few yawns to leave your mouth, the fact you haven't slept for almost 24 hours springs to mind. And finally, there's worry. What if he doesn't want to negotiate? Blames me for what everyone else did? What if he's so fed up with our s*!t, he takes me straight to Klaus so he can get back in his good books? If you're like me then the insides of your wrists are rather pinky/red at this point, thanks to your nerves you've revisited the old habit of scratching them.

You start to give up, upstairs that little comfy chair is calling out to you to give up on this little mission. You almost listen to it, until the world's loudest gasp makes you jump. Rushing beside his gasping and creaking? Body, I tried to grab his attention. "Elijah" I'm slightly drowned out by his gasping. "Elijah."

He starts to calm down, a weird look taking over his face. "No..." the gasping almost completely stops. "Katerina!" he looks so shocked, a look of remembering crosses over his face.

"Elijah! It's me, it's Kat. Katalina. Please. Shhh," my finger shook slightly as I held it up to my lips, preying two certain vampires would stay asleep upstairs.

"Oh, my god" he whispered and that look appeared one more time, before he dropped his head back and went limp in exhaustion. Hovering a hand over his chest, I was thinking of a way to wake him without receiving a freakout. Sadly my wish was ignored, he convulsed on his side and I jumped back in fear, creaking and cracking the whole way he moved his arm and pushed himself to his feet. "I can't--I can't breathe!" he fell over again. "What's happened to me?"

"I--" I didn't know what to stay as he rushed into the wall by the exit, I tried to think of why he couldn't breathe and it wouldn't pop up.

"I can't...I can't be in this house" I held him slightly hunched as he spoke, making sure he didn't fall over again.

"You're not invited in" it finally hit me, but I'm too scared to invite him in. I need to talk to him first, he has to let me explain everything first.

"You need to get me out of here" he whooshed out of my grasp and into another wall, then he whooshed out of sight. I rushed after him, following the trail that led me to the front door. He was hunched over just outside the thresh-hold, I moved to exit but the fear hit me again and I stopped, still safely inside the house. He rushed up, yet couldn't enter thanks to no invitation from me. "What happened?"

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