Chapter 11: Why Am I Going Again?

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"Why are you looking at me like you feel sorry for me?" I frowned at Elena as I ate my toast.

"Me, Stefan and Damon talked to Alaric this morning..." she started.

"Do you want applause?(!)" she gave me a deadpanned look after my words.

"He and Damon are going to Duke to look through Isobel's research--" I cut her off.

"Do they want applause?(!)" I held back a smirk.

"I volunteered you to go with them" she rushed out with a smug look.

"What?" I dropped my toast.


"Why am I going again?" I complained as Elena pushed me towards Alaric's car.

"Because you're the better one at getting information, plus the more time you spend with Damon, the less you want to kill him...hopefully" she mumbled near the end.

"And why is that a good thing?" I frowned as she continued to push.

"Because he's your new friend's brother, remember?" we stopped a few feet away from the car as she asked.

"I hate you" I grumbled.

"Mean it?" she gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"You know I don't" I pulled her in for a hug, then I pulled away and walked towards the car. "If we return with a passenger less, don't blame me!" I called back to her with a smirk before getting in the back seat of the car.

"Lovely of you to join us" Damon said in a sarcastic tone.

"You're too sweet(!)" I pulled out my phone as the car was set in motion.

'Where are you?'

It was a text from Katherine.

I quickly replied:

'On my way to Duke, just doing some digging on the Lockwoods.'

She replied as soon as it sent:

'Fun, but you already know everything about our little werewolf family. Why are you going?'

I typed out my answer:

'They don't know I know, so if you want this plan to work then I suggest allowing me to go along with their silly ideas.'

I read what I expected to be her final reply:

'Okay, I trust you.'

"How you doing back there?" Damon pulled me away from my reading and I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Leave her alone" Alaric scolded him.

"You know, this whole pretending to hate me thing is getting a little silly" Damon continued.

Alaric scoffed "I don't think she's pretending. You did kill her brother."

"There is a huge asterisk next to that statement. He came back to life" I decided to talk after Damon said that.

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