Chapter 29: The Darkness Is Suffocating...

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"Where are we going?" I complained as the b!t**y little witch pushed me through the woods.

"This way" she replied.

"Could you get any more vague?" I snapped.

"Yes" she used the same bored tone.

"Are you that witch's sister? What was his name?...Luka!" I smiled when I remembered. "You're the reason they came to town with Elijah, they died to find you yet you don't seem to give a f**k."

"Well, they were wasting their time. I wasn't lost" she continued to lead me.

"Well, wasn't that spiritual(?!)" I muttered and tripped slightly over a hidden root. "Can't you do some candle sh!t so I can see where the frick I'm going?" I complained. Instead of answering me she waved her hands and allowed a few fire pits to ignite, I can see! I Can See! I grinned. "Thanks, witch b!**h" my grin dropped when I turned away from her and saw a body lying on the ground. "Jenna?" I recognized, rushing beside her and attempting to shake her awake. "Jenna, Jenna! Jenna? Hey, hey, Jenna! JENNA!" I checked for a pulse. "Oh, my god, No" I whispered. "No, no, no, Jenna. No" I looked up at Greta. "He killed her?" my eyes watered. "Why? I-I did everything that he asked."

She gasped to life as my voice broke, "She's not dead" Greta answered as I brushed Jenna's hair away from her face. "She's in transition" Greta grinned when I looked back at her. "If you'll excuse me" Greta allowed the fire to darken slightly as she walked over to some specially placed rocks, a good distance from us.

"Oh, my head" Jenna groaned slightly while holding it. "What's wrong with me?"

"Do you remember what happened?" I avoided the question.

"You called me. You were so scared. Elena and I got worried. Oh, ah, we should have realized that it wasn't you. The second we walked out of the house someone grabbed me--" I cut her off.

"What about Elena? Did you see what happened to Elena?" I rushed out, feeling a lump in my throat.

"Ummm, hold on--a vampire grabbed me. He made me drink his blood. And I don't..." I sighed "But...I think, umm..." my interest peaked.

"But what Jenna?" I pleaded.

"Your face, it must have been Elena. She looked heartbroken and just before I blacked out that same vampire seemed to smirk at her" my blood ran cold with Jenna's words.

"Klaus. His names Klaus" I gritted my teeth while speaking his name, he better not hurt my sister.

"Where are we? What-a--what happened?" Jenna questioned.

"We're at the quarry. He brought us here" I explained calmly.

"Why don't I remember anything after blacking out?" she panicked.

"Jenna, do you remember...Did Elena ever telling you how someone becomes a vampire?" I avoided a straight answer.

"Yeah, if you die with vampire blood in your system, it's..." she caught onto the look I was giving her. "Oh, god" she realized. "He killed me."

"Jenna, listen to me. Listen to me, everything's going to be ok. I'm going to get you out of here" I promised.

"I'm a vampire?" she wanted me to point-blank say it.

"And I bet you're hungry" Greta disturbed my answer. I spotted a sharp rock and ran for it, only to be pushed back by her magic, I gave a slight yelp as I hit the ground but was trapped as I stood in a ring of fire. Moving to pass through it, not caring if I got hurt. But I couldn't get past it, a barrier stopped me. Are you kidding?! It's Bonnie and the house all over again. "Don't bother trying to get through. I've spelled the circle. You're trapped. No matter what you do."

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