Chapter 28: Either Way, I'm Not Surviving This...

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I sighed and moved some of the bubbles that surrounded me, creating the perfect bubble bathing suit, from a bird's eye view anyway.

"Kat? Are you done in there yet?" there was slight knocking on the bathroom door before Elena's voice sounded.

"Almost" I called back. "Can you shout me when Elijah's here?"

"Yeah, okay" she agreed before I heard footsteps becoming fainter and fainter as they walked away from the door. I looked back down at my bubble bath and sighed, I thought this was supposed to be relaxing? Katherine always said a bubble bath was her second favorite stress reliever, I never saw the interest in it and just stuck with showers. Then today I woke up in a guest bedroom somewhere in the Salvatore boarding house and felt the need to relax.

It's impossible, though, so I did the only thing I remember about large amounts of water forced into a single space. Taking a deep breath I held it, closed my eyes and dunked under the water. Let's see how long I can last...


I gasped viciously as Katherine's hand released my head and she let me step away from the tank, taking in big gulps of air as I did so. "Did I do any better?" I questioned.

"A minute more, I'd congratulate you but..." she trailed off.

"But that's a compliment and you're saving all of them for my death bed(!)" I finished her little saying.

"Correct" she grinned. "Do you wanna go again, or call it a day?"

"Go again" I nodded with determination and she sighed.

"Are you sure? You could seriously hurt yourself, Kat" she reminded me for the millionth time.

"You won't turn me and let me turn it off, and I've already slept with one too many people this month. My parents died from drowning, Elena almost died by drowning. For some reason, holding my breath under water and seeing if I'll survive makes me feel safe--strong. I want to continue...Unless your blood is going spare?" I batted my lashes.

"We both know you're not ready to become a vampire. I normally wouldn't care who I turned--then again, I normally don't have the switch on" she shrugged.

"I agree then, don't turn me" I nodded. "Can we go again?"

She let out a sigh before nodding, gripping the back of my head she started the timer. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before I felt her push me under.


..."Kat"..."Kat!"..."KAT!" my eyes opened as I heard my name being faintly called, they stung slightly from being underwater but got used to it. Pushing myself up I emerged from the water with a gasp.

"Yeah, Elena?" I called back, coughing slightly.

"Elijah's here" was all she said before I heard her leave again.

"Great(!)" I sighed and stood from the bath and wrapped a fluffy towel around myself, dragging a hand through my damp and tangled hair. Guess it's time for ritual talk.


"Tonight is the full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse" Elijah started.

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