Chapter 18: Why Can't I Punch You?

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I yawned while eating my cereal, turns out sleeping on a tomb's floor isn't as comfy as you'd hope. I left Katherine and got back home around 7, was showered and dressed by 8 and decided on playing sick because two hours sleep won't get me through school even if I tried. "Are you sure you're okay?" Elena worried as she made some coffee.

"Fine, it's nothing major Elena, just a little bug" I waved her off.

"Do you want me to pick you up a burger from the Grill? If anything will make you feel better then it's that" she smiled while handing me a mug of coffee.

"If it's not too much" I murmured into my drink and took a sip. There was then an unexpected knock at the door, she set her mug on the counter and went to answer it. After a couple of minutes, Elena came back into view, Damon and Stefan in tow. "What's happening?" I frowned.

"They went to see Katherine" Elena explained.

"What happened?" I asked as Damon headed towards the fruit bowl.

"She's promised to leave town, never come back and give us the moonstone" Damon answered.

"If?" Elena pushed.

"We get Bonnie to let her out" Stefan answered.

"You don't believe her, do you?" Elena asked.

"No, of course not. We just want the moonstone" Damon tossed an Orange around while talking.

"According to Rose's friend Slater, there's a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break" Stefan informed.

"No spell, no doppelganger sacrifice. Ergo, you live" Damon looked at me as I cleaned up my empty bowl.

"I get to live another day? Huzzah, pull out the champagne(!)" I forced a smile and fake coughed into my sleeve covered elbow.

"How do you destroy it?" See, this is why we keep Elena around. She asks the practical questions.

"By releasing it from the moonstone" Stefan answered.

"How do you guys even know this is gonna work?" I asked, realizing how much of a pessimist I am.

" 'Cause we have a crafty witch on our side" Damon answered.

"Oh yeah, 'cause that's all Bonnie needs--to be dragged into more of our stupid drama" I muttered. "At least give her time to get over the whole Katherine fiasco before talking to her" I pleaded but then saw their faces. "You've already discussed it with Bonnie, haven't you?"

"She agreed to do anything she could to help us" Stefan tried to reassure my views.

"It's Katherine who has the moonstone. She's not gonna give it to you" I tried to sway their thoughts a final time.

"We're gonna get it from her" Stefan was determined.

"Well, what he means to say is that we will pry it from her cold, dead hand if we have to" Damon made it sinister.

"Wow(!)" I looked at the fruit bowl.

"What?" Elena turned to me.

"They actually managed to make me lose more faith in their mission" I stated and turned my back on them. "You guys do whatever you want, you're not gonna listen to me, you don't care if I don't want you to do it. I'm going to bed, and I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when you have a plan I have faith in" I shuffled up the stairs and to my room, closing the door with a slight slam signaled for Elena to not check on me before she went to school. 

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