Chapter 16: Hello Mr. Fancy Suit!

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I groggily woke when I felt myself being carried, I muttered "Please..." even though I don't know what I was asking for. I became more awake and attempted to move my arms and legs when I was placed down on what I'm guessing is a sofa? But they barely moved, I opened my eyes properly and saw they were tied up, I then looked up at my capture. Cute. He started to untie my ropes which gave me the chance to sit up "What do you want?" I asked in a calm tone.

"Shh" he held a finger up.

"Please, I'm hurt" now I remember why I said please before.

"I know" he eyed the dried blood on my arm. "Just a taste" his vampire features appeared.

"AHH!" I tried to bat him away with my still tied arms.

"TREVOR!" A scolding voice echoed throughout the room and the man stopped. "Control yourself" she demanded.

"Buzzkill" he named and stood away from me.

"What do you want with me?" I asked and loosened the ropes biting at my wrists.

"My god, you look just like her" she stated.

"Thanks. Why am I he--" she cut me off.

"Be quiet" she said firmly.

"You know even after kidnapping me, the least you could do is use manners. I'd respond more to that than you giving me orders like as though I'm a dog" I scoffed.

"Just be quiet!" she said louder this time and I did. I stayed in my seat and continued to play good captive. Eventually, she left the room, eyeing me warily. I stood when she was out and did a 360 spin, inspecting my holding cell. Walking towards a far window I pulled the rag of a curtain down, allowing a strip of the floor to be drenched in sunlight. I moved it aside and picked up a small chair, placing it in a part of the sun they couldn't get me in, they wouldn't even risk it.

I then moved back to my position on the couch when this Trevor popped his head in quickly, probably wondering why my heels were clicking so much. Once he vanished I slipped my shoes off and placed them by the side of the sofa. Standing, I crept up the stairs and towards their voices.

"I just checked on her" Trevor's voice sounded.

"You didn't touch her did you?" she sounded angry.

"Give me some credit" Trevor scoffed.

"Well, what's she doing?" she asked.

"Just sitting in the same place, hadn't moved" I could imagine her nodding along with his words. "So you called him?"

"No. I called one of his contacts. You know how this works" She reminded him.

"Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?" Trevor asked.

"They say he got it" I had passed the stairs and was attempting to travel down the shabbily lit hallway as she spoke.

"Wonderful. And what?" I saw someone pass the other side of the hallway as Trevor spoke.

"So, that's it, Trevor. He either got it, or he didn't. We just have to wait" it was like she was explaining it to a child.

"Look, it's not too late. We can leave her here. We don't have to go through with this" Trevor sounded in a panic as I neared closer and closer to their position.

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