Chapter 9: Another Me?

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"Are you okay, though?" I frowned at Elena. We're currently at the hospital and she's just told me how she found John stabbed and bleeding out on the kitchen floor, Jer had attempted to overdose and I missed it all because I was passed out cold on my bed. Nothing bad, but she found me knocked out and I can barely remember what happened, just being left with a headache.

It's just not my night is it?

"I'm fine, just shaken up. Shouldn't I be asking you, your the one who was knocked out" Elena fretted.

"By god knows what" I muttered as Bonnie appeared. "Bonnie. How's Caroline?" I worried.

"She's weak. They don't know if she's going to make it" Bonnie explained.

"No..." I felt my eyes tear up, Elena pulled me into a side hug for comfort. "Can you do anything Bonnie? Anything at all?" I pleaded.

"She doesn't know how" Damon appeared from nowhere. "Do you?" he asked Bonnie.

"No. I don't" Bonnie admitted.

"No, you don't. Because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that" Damon taunted.

"Do you have a point?" I replied in an angry tone.

"I can give Caroline some of my blood" he said to me.

"Really?" I asked in hope.

"No. No way" Elena denied.

"Come on Elena, this is Caroline. If we can help her then we do it" I escaped her embrace.

"Just enough to heal her. She'll be safe in the hospital, and it'll be out of her system in a day. She'll be better, Elena" Damon tried to convince.

"It's too risky" Elena denied again.

"Come on Elena, really?" I questioned.

"I can't agree to that" Elena told me.

Before I could protest a very unexpected reply sounded from Bonnie "Do it. This is Caroline. Ok? We can't let her die" was the witches justification. "Do it" she told Damon.

"If I do this, you and me call a truce" Damon bargained.

"No. But you'll do it anyway. For Kat" after that Bonnie walked off, Elena following her.

"Thank you, Damon, for me or for not, thanks" I smiled at him.

"Uh--all right, I know this is probably the last thing you want to do right now, but we should talk about what happened tonight" Damon spoke slightly quieter.

"Yeah, one of the tomb vampires got into my house and almost killed John! Finishing or starting the stunt by knocking me unconscious with something that really hurt!" I rubbed the back of my head in memory.

"What? When--when? What are you talking about, after I left?" he questioned.

"Yeah. Who were you speaking to on the porch by the way?" I frowned.

"Come on, Kat, you know who I was talking to" he looked up slightly.

"No, I don't, who was it? They might have been who did this" I offered.

"Really? Earlier. On the porch. We were talking, all cathartic, feelings exposed. Come on, we kissed, Kat" he blurted out.

"Ok--I don't have time for this, Damon" I moved to walk away but he caught my arm, I looked back up at him.

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