Chapter 23: Do I Say Hon?

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"You're still reading through them?" I entered the living room to find Elena going through one of those journals. All I was met with was silence. "Still ignoring me?" in that moment she looked out the window, her eyes followed Stefan as he paced on the deck by the lake. "Still mad?" I leaned against the back of her chair.

"Of course, I'm still mad" she closed the journal over and set it down on the side table before standing. "How would you feel if you were in my position?" she turned to face me.

"I'd be p!$$ed and wouldn't let you do it" I answered truthfully.

"Then why do you expect me to be okay with you dying?" she frowned.

"I don't expect you to be okay with it, I expect you to trust me" she went to speak but I cut in. "I know none of you believe me, but I swear that this deal with Elijah is a good one--the best thing."

"Bu--but he's gonna let you die!" she denied.

"No, he won't...He promised me that he could save me, Elena. He has something that'll bring me back after the sacrifice" I revealed.

"How do you know he's not lying?! How can you trust that he's not just saying that so you'll go along with his orders willingly?" she probed.

"I don't. He could be lying to me. He could be pretending. But I trust him, Elena. He is 1000 years old and my only chance of survival, can't you trust my instincts to trust him?" I begged.

"I--I--...I honestly don't know Kat" she seemed to whisper as the door slid open and Stefan walked in.

"Then I'll be in my room. His judgy looks are annoying, but your's make me reconsider everything and I--...I don't need that" I pointed between them before turning to go back to my room.


"What's with all the dramatic tension?" I frowned at the weird looks Stefan and Elena gave me while I tried to make myself a drink.

"Don't freak out--" I cut Elena off.

"Don't give me a reason to" I rushed, they stayed quiet for a moment. "Well, what is it?"

"Damon has something that can kill an original, and he's hoping to use it on Elijah tonight" Stefan said solemnly.

"Are you kidding?" it was an honest question, it was the only thing stopping me from getting angry.

"But--um...Kat, there's more..." Elena started. "Vampires can't use it to kill an original, or they themselves will also die."

...I was so quiet, I was so p!$$ed. "So basically, Damon is about to die along with my only hope of survival?" they nodded. "Anything else I should know."

"Uncle John gave Damon the dagger to kill Elijah, he know's Damon will die if he uses it" Stefan answered.

"Of course. It always has to come full circle, always revolves around that d!**kbags decisions" I muttered. "Do you like your plan now, Stefan(?) Inviting him back looks like such a good idea now, doesn't it(!?)"

"Don't blame Stefan, Kat. It's not his fault" Elena defended.

"To Hell, It Isn't, Elena! If Stefan--If All Of You Weren't So Caught Up In Your Trust Issues! John Would Be Out Of Our Lives, I'd Get To Live And Damon Wouldn't Be A STABBING AWAY FROM KILLING HIMSELF!!!..." I took deep breaths as an attempt to calm down.

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