d e s c r i p t i o n

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My name is Bryony, and I'm a mediocre blonde, spoilt brat of a nineteen-year-old with an unhealthy addiction to cancer sticks (or cigarettes, as you would call them) and a particular man named Sean McLoughlin. People like to call me insane, but I don't see why. It's nothing, really...

First incident: I pulled the pet fish out of the tank and sprayed them with hairspray until they stopped struggling on the carpet. I don't know why I did it, but it was as much excitement as a home-schooled six year old was going to get.

It raised concerns. My parents noticed how I would switch moods at the flick of a switch, and how I could throw dangerous, blood-boiling tantrums if things didn't go my way. Well, it's not my fault I broke her favourite vase when she didn't cut the crusts off my sandwich; she had to learn some way, though.

Second incident: Self-harm. I started when I was eleven, and particularly enjoyed the sight of the scars on my arm. I'd wanted to dump a bottle of pills down my throat at that point, but after trying to knock back some Tylenol and realizing it wasn't strong enough to do the trick, I gave up.

 When my parents started catching on, my mother started hiding and child-proofing any prescription medication she could. Smart bitch.   

Third incident: I became unhealthily obsessed with a man on YouTube, going by the name of jacksepticeye, to the point where my folders were completely full of images of him. I ran a Tumblr blog for a while, where there were a few people who were trying to find out the same thing as I: where he lived. Only I was successful.

I'd moved out at this point, and my room-mate thought I was just joking around whenever I tried to convince her to help me search for him. I didn't need her anyway- I found him. And now I'm going to show him just how much I love him, and whoever gets in the way is going to see their entire lifeline pour out onto their carpet in red liquid.

I'd always wondered what it would be like to kill someone. How it would Feel... 

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