s i x t e e n

366 17 19

"Good morning," Jack sighed, grumbling something incoherently about how tired he was as he turned in his position to face me. I looked at him for a moment before sighing and rolling over the other way, curling my fingers over my pillow and biting down on my lip to keep me from screaming every known curse-word in the English language. "Uh, Bryony? Are you OK?"

"I'm fine," I responded, voice low as I blinked quickly, trying to get the sleep out of my eyes. My head was aching due to my lack of sleep, but that was only Signe's fault. That sly, sneaking bitch, texting him in the middle of the night. Who did she think she was? "Jack. Answer me honestly."

"Oh? Sure, I guess," he rose an eyebrow as I turned back to face him.

I took in a breath, "are you cheating on me?"

"What? No," Jack said incredulously. "You know that I'd never do that to you, right? I love you."

"Oh, good," I breathed easy. "Because if you were, I would be just about ready to kill you right here and now!" I added, voice slightly hysterical. Jack didn't seem to notice, and probably thought I was being sarcastic, so he laughed a little and reached over to put a hand on my cheek.

"You're silly," he laughed, running a hand through my hair before rolling out of bed lazily. "Are you coming to get breakfast with us?"

"I guess so." I answered, getting out of bed and immediately going into the shower. My mood was a little jittery, but I forced a couple of pills down and reappeared from the bathroom with minimal makeup. I didn't look as made up as yesterday, but I suppose my mood reflected on the effort I put into my appearance.

Jack was rapidly texting on his phone, brow creased, until he locked his phone smoothly and quickly put it away as I appeared. I sighed heavily, and a look of guilt crossed his face.

"Sorry. I'm on my phone far too much," he admitted.

I huffed. "Yeah, you are. Come on then; I'm starving."

* * *

Even when we'd made it to the small restaurant we were grabbing breakfast at, I still remained silent. As I munched on a pancake, I could feel Jack's weighty gaze as he shot me a sidewards glance every now and then. I just played around with my fork, stabbing at the soggy pancakes with syrup breakfast before sighing and dumping the cutlery down on the plate.

"Are you feeling OK?" Mark asked, having noticed my withdrawn behaviour. I looked up and gave him an encouraging smile as my response, though dropping it as I looked away.

Jack was still completely stuck to his phone, almost as if somebody had laced his fingers with super-glue and put a gun to his head if he refused to look away from his screen. It was ripping my chest apart; I was angry at the lack of attention and, despite how clingy that sounded, I'm pretty sure any girl would be mad if her man was on his phone the whole time you were supposed to be hanging with friends. Secondly, I was completely shattered at the thought of him gaining interest in Signe.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Sean said hurriedly. Frowning, I shot my eyes up from the table to his eyes.

"But... you just went like, five minutes ago," I remembered, flashing him a look. He shrugged.

"Too much coffee," he decided, scratching the back of his head before making a quick escape. I glared after him, eyes narrowed.

"What do you think he's up to?" Mark questioned, forearm resting on the table as he used the other to lift a steaming mug to his lips.

"I don't know, but it all seems a little funky if you ask me," I perked both eyebrows. "I kinda need the bathroom now he's mentioned it - for the second time. Do you two mind sitting alone for a few minutes?"

Wade waved his hand, "nah, we're good."

"Oh, god, don't leave me with him," Mark teased, backing away from Wade. I offered a feeble laugh before scuttling away, fingers fumbling against each other in a nervous attempt to drain the excess adrenaline that caused my hands to shake.

"...I feel sort of dirty doing this, you know?"

The voice was unfamiliar, though it had an accent that couldn't be ignored.


Now I certainly recognized that voice.

"Because we're sneaking around," the voice whined, "and we're friends. We shouldn't have to do that."

Jack sighed, "yeah, I know. She only does it because she cares about me, though. She's a bit... uh, let's say jittery, and she doesn't trust many people and she freaks out a lot over it."

"That sounds a bit more than 'jittery', Jack," the girl sighed, and I peered around the corner to catch a glimpse of a cute girl, perhaps an inch or so shorter than myself, with blonde hair, thick eyeliner and glasses. It screamed Signe. "She's been taking you from everyone. You've distanced yourself from your friends, your family, even, just for her. And that's not OK."

"Jack? What are you doing?" I questioned, appearing from behind the corner, unable to withstand this talk any longer.

"Bryony!" Jack spurted my name out, stepping to the side in a feeble attempt to hide Signe from me. I placed a hand on my hip and gestured toward her with a nod of my head. "Uh... this is Signe."

"Hi," she waved slightly, smiling sweetly. Yeah, you won't be smiling when I rip your hair off. "It's nice to meet you."

"Yeah," I nodded. "You've kept the others waiting, Jack. Can't this wait until later? There's a signing a couple hours from now. You can talk to him then."

Signe visibly flinched at my words. "That's not fair-"

"VIP isn't free, honey. That's not fair to the fans," I teased. "Jack?" I encouraged, and he sighed before following me and taking my hand.

I caught a glimpse of Signe's face as we left: her eyebrows were creased upwards as she fought back the urge to reply with something witty, though I was sure she knew better than to play with my rage. Jack had probably told her about some of my episodes and she'd probably noted them, so for that, I was glad that she decided to hold that pretty little tongue of hers.  

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