f o u r t e e n

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"And here we are," Jack announced, nudging the hotel door open with his shoulder after swiping his card. I groaned, trudging to the bed before collapsing on it and immediately burying my face into the pillow. I felt a depression on the bed and then a groan that followed, and I knew that Sean had gone and done exactly what I had. "I'm so fucking tired."

"Yeah, same," I agreed, propping myself up and pawing at my worn out eyes. "I'm already looking forward to sleeping and it's only the afternoon."

"Me, too," he nodded, running a hand through his messy hair. I rubbed my hands over my face for a moment before grunting out in disapproval at my aching limbs and struggled to my feet, trudging to the bathroom where I peeled off my warm clothing and climbed into the shower. It was quite a posh bathroom, with a marble sink and golden taps, and the toilet even had multiple options which I was too afraid to try. The shower had buttons which I pressed and fumbled with, adjusting the pressure and temperature of the water until it was perfect.

I heard shuffling through the bathroom and the stripping of clothes, and then there was a hum of consideration before a song started playing and Jack left his phone upon the counter. I immediately recognized the song as High by Sivik, one of my personal favourites. Aw, he noticed.

Soon after, the shower door whooshed open and my bare skin was met with cold air until the door slid shut again and Jack presented himself behind me. I smiled at him dopily, running my hands through my hair with a hotel supplied lemon shampoo before rinsing it off.

"Are you excited?" I questioned.

"I'm too tired, but, uh..."

I chuckled at his misunderstanding. "No, Jack, I meant about the event."

He blushed a little, "oh! Makes sense. And of course, why wouldn't I be? I'm Jack, god dammit! You should know me by now."

"That's true. You started squealing like a little girl when you saw a toy lightsaber, so I don't know why I expected anything else," I teased, squeezing some citrus scented shower gel onto my hands.

Jack laughed and tilted his head to the side in half-agreement. "Yeah, that's true."

"Right, come on, we better hurry up," I decided, realizing that we'd been spent nearly thirty minutes taking advantage of all of the sweet smelling hygiene products. I rinsed off the excess foam before stepping out and wrapping myself up with a fluffy, white towel, then tucking it into a fold over my chest and walking out into the bedroom. Jack followed on, towel around his waist as he picked out clothes and I reached immediately for my hair dryer and straighteners.

Once my hair was dry, and Jack was waiting patiently, having already changed and only just now applying gel to tame his frizzy, green waves, I trotted off into the bathroom to apply my make up. I decided to put in a little more effort, knowing that I had to look drop-dead gorgeous next to Signe, who was bound to be there after what Jack told me. I had to make it obvious that he was mine, and her petty crush wasn't going to get in the way of that.

"Wow," Jack whistled, eyebrows perking up as I finished up, spraying my face over with an expensive primer and then walking out to greet him. "You look really good. Why the extra effort?"

I placed a hand on my hip and rose an eyebrow.

Jack shook his head and reached his hands out, almost as if to comfort me. "Oh, no, no, no! Not that I don't appreciate it, I was just wondering."

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Today is special to you, so I wanted to look a little nicer, that's all."

"Well, you look really good," Jack flushed, and I couldn't help but grin at seeing him so flustered. I kissed his cheek and as I pulled away I noticed that I left a peachy stain. Laughing, I licked my thumb and swiped it and he pulled a face. "Ew!"

"Oh, shut up," I smacked his arm, wiping the excess lipstick away before taking his hand. "Come on, then. Where are we meeting them?"

* * *

"Don't be shy," Jack said quietly, squeezing my hand reassuringly as I noticed Mark in the distance. His back was turned and he was talking to someone in a uniform - a crew member, I presumed - but it with his stocky form, tanned skin, and dyed hair, that made him absolutely, and unmistakably, Markiplier. Of course, after having been a fan of Jack for many years, I'd stumbled across him. He'd been a part of my daily life, but that was simply just to kill time until Jack's videos were uploaded. Either way, I suppose I was a fan. "Hey, you big dingus!"

Mark turned, startled expression, and then broke out into a grin at the sight of Jack. He ran forwards and enveloped him into a hug, causing our hands to break apart. Mark was grinning like an idiot as he released Jack and patted his shoulder, and then his eyes flew to me.

"Hello," I whispered.

"Hey!" Mark drawled out, voice noticeably a tone more excited. He looked taken aback, slightly floored, even, and he took a moment to heave a breath before stopping his eyes from training down my body. "You must be Bryony, yes? It's so nice to meet the girl this Irish goofball won't shut up about!"

I grinned and looked at the ground, hiding my flushed cheeks at the thought of Jack talking about me to his friends regularly. "Yup. That's me."

"Well, bring it in, then!" He said excitedly, pulling me into his arms and squishing me into a bear-hug that reminded me of ones Liz used to give me when we were... well, when she was alive.

"Ha, thanks," I giggled, brushing my hair out of my face. "Oh, um, you got a bit of..."

Mark looked down at his shirt where my face had left a slight foundation mark. He shrugged and brushed it off, then grabbing Jack by his shirt sleeve and pulling us along. We were given badges, and then I was pushed aside to sit behind the merchandise booth whilst Mark and Jack rushed to meet up with Wade before the signing started and the doors opened.

I was immediately overwhelmed with the amount of people who rushed through to get into the queue, and I had to blink back the shock as I tried to find something to focus on. There were cosplayers, ordinary girls, preppy girls, nerdy girls, and they all seemed to have something clasped into their hand, which I guessed was either a gift or something they wanted to be signed.

It was a huge arena, really, but it looked a helluva lot smaller now that there were thousands of people smushed inside it. For the rest of the day, Jack was there, messing around with the other YouTubers as girls squealed and threw themselves at him. It made me angry to the point my fingers curled into fists subconsciously, but I forced myself to get over it at the thought of having Jack alone later that night.

All these fangirls were nothing. Nothing but empty, pretty shells, with one goal in mind. To take Jack from me, though I'd never let that happen. He was mine; forever.

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