s e v e n

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"I met this girl online," Jack told me suddenly, chewing on a mouthful of his sandwich as we snuggled up in a Starbucks booth.

I almost choked on my ice-cold tropical drink, "sorry?"

He chuckled at my state. "Not like that. You know that I meet all sorts of people online, and I was just talking to this girl because she offered to do a semi-professional art piece for me."

"Oh," I put my drink down and rubbed my chilled fingers together. "That's great. What's her name?"

"Her name is Signe," he said delicately, "I'm not sure how you pronounce her name, but I think it's something like that. She's from Denmark."

"Foreign, huh? Interesting," I mumbled, trying to feign my jealousy by batting my eyes up at him and smiling a little. "So, is she a good artist?"

Jack laughed and looked down at his cup, and I took this brief moment to capture his appearance at that very moment by tracing every intricate detail of his face illuminated by the orange, sunset glow with my eyes. His hair was slightly more ruffled as he had only taken a shower about forty minutes ago, so he'd stuffed it under a beanie and propped his glasses on his nose. He was so beautiful.

"Uh, yeah. She's got a unique style," he said. "Some of her work kinda stood out on my Tumblr page and when she approached me I recognized her name."

"Ah," I nodded, sipping the dregs of the plastic cup through the straw before putting it down and wiggling in the booth. "Are you ready to head back?"

Jack emptied his cup by knocking back the contents quickly, and then he glanced outside and squinted at the sight. "It's raining pretty heavily."

"What else is new?" I asked, crinkling my nose.

"You look really cute when you do that," Jack commented, looking at me with such an overwhelming stare that suddenly not another single thing mattered. His pupils dilated as he brushed aside a piece of my hair, and I realized that throwing another fit over Jack talking to a girl would probably be really weird. But still, who did she think she was? Jack's mine. "It's almost been four months, you know."

I hummed in response and leaned my head on his shoulder, wrapping my fingers around his hand which lay comfortably on my thigh. "I know. Crazy, huh?"

"Totally crazy," he winked, tugging on my hand. "Come on, then. Let's see if we can make it back without getting absolutely drenched."

I chuckled a little and grabbed our cups, throwing them into the bin before squeezing his hand tightly and following him out into the harsh weather. Although I was hesitant, Sean was already overly enthusiastic and powered into the rain like a child that had eaten too many E numbers.

I squealed, tightening my grip on his hand as my shoes sloshed against the pavement, slick with rainwater, and I tried to cover my eyebrows in an attempt to stop the water to stop going into my eyes.

"OK, OK, let me take a breather," I requested, pulling him aside.

"I've always wanted to do that," Jack laughed, pulling us under a bus stop for brief shelter as we huddled away from the cold winds. He wrapped both of his arms around me and I snuggled into his side before feeling him pull away violently and run back into the rain again.

"Son of a-"

"Catch me if you can!" He yelled, racing down the path and causing  an elderly couple across the road to shoot us a look. 

"You dork!"

* * *

Jack's breath was heavy against my neck and the moisture of his lips and tongue against my skin made my entire body feel as if it had been scorched with glowing coals.

"Oh, Jack," I sighed, pulling my nails down his back as my vision was spurted with colourful stars at the sensation of breath-taking pleasure.

And then we were staring at the ceiling, catching our breath for the millionth time that day as the sheets lay tangled amongst our limbs and our hands blindly searched for the other, and then our fingers were together, and it felt as if we were the only people to ever experience such euphoria.

"I've really enjoyed today," I panted, letting out a breath before swiping my forearm over my hot forehead.

"Yeah, me too," Jack agreed, swallowing. "Bryony... I love you."

My lungs suddenly felt as if they'd been torn from my chest and my mouth fell slack, as tears of shock hit the surface of my eyes and my heart thudded violently and uneasily in my ribcage. 

"I love you, too," I answered, looking into his eyes and gripping the side of his face with an almost desperate feeling raking at my chest from the inside with jagged claws. 

"Are you crying?" Jack asked quietly, wiping his thumb under my eye.

"I- yeah, sorry. It's just I've always wanted to experience love, and the feeling it gives you, but I suppose I just expected something that I never understood. But now I do," I whispered, vowing silently to myself that I would never let him go. "Jack. Have you ever been in love?"

"Um, yeah," he answered hesitantly, and I felt my muscles immediately tense up at the thought of someone haven gotten to him before me. "But she was kind of... we just fell apart, I guess."

"I won't let that happen between us," I promised. "Because I love you."

He giggled, "say it again."

"I love you," I repeated, pressing a kiss to his nose as he wrapped an arm around my stomach.

"And, hey! Guess what?" He mumbled, snuggling into my neck as he became drowsy over the nights excitement.

"What?" I questioned.

"I don't have to leave this time," he said, yawning.

I smiled. "Good, because I wasn't going to let you go, anyway. I never will." 

I felt his heavy breath and then he suddenly heaved, caving in to his exhaustion and passing out next to me.

"Never, ever, ever."

* * *

just so you all know and don't jump on my back i absolutely adore signe she is an absolute precious angel cake bby and this was all made up (as if you didn't know that already) but ya ok

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