t h i r t e e n

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"Hey, uh, Bryony?" Jack called, his voice muffled over the sound of the music I'd amped up in the background whilst I was cooking food. Realizing he wanted my attention, I reached for the knob and turned the volume down.

"Yeah?" I called back, smiling at him as he appeared in the doorway and met me in the kitchen. He smiled back, though suddenly looked anxious.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to tag along to a convention with me," Jack said, his voice quiet. I immediately felt my cheeks tense and my eyes crease up as a grin took over my face. "It's called PAX East and you'd be able to meet all of my friends."

"Of course! Is that what you were acting so nervous about?" I questioned him, raising an eyebrow as I stopped the pasta from boiling over. Sean fumbled with his fingers for a moment, taking in a huge gulp of air before dropping his shoulders and looking at me.

"Um, no," he answered, voice lower now. "You see, ah, someone is going to be there and I know that you hate them but I promised them that I would at least say hello."

"Oh, yeah? Who?" I asked, mixing the sauce with the pasta and pouring it into two bowls, then pushing a spoon and a fork into each dish. He followed me up into my bedroom after taking his dish, where I had a cluster of paperwork that my dad needed me to file over before posting it to the media.

"Um, Signe," Jack responded, wincing as he waited for my response. I froze, fork hovering in mid-air with a couple of pieces of pasta stabbed onto the prongs. I dumped it back into the dish and pushed my tongue against the back of my lower lip and let out a huff of air. 


"Wait, just OK? Are you sure you're fine with this?" Jack questioned, his eyebrows turning up into a look of concern, whether that be for himself or for me, I wasn't sure.

"I mean," I swallowed a mouthful of saucy pasta. "You said it'd only be a hello, so what's the problem?"

Jack let out a shaky breath and threw his head back in relief. "OK, thank god. I thought you were going to..."

"Thought I was going to what?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow before signing a paper off and adding it to the stack on my bedside table.

"Never mind," Jack chuckled. "Let's continue watching that American Horror Story show. You've gotten me really into it now."

I grinned. "Sure!"

* * *

Because of the event that Jack was taking me along to, he was a lot busier than usual when it came to videos. I understood, knowing that he had to cram in a lot of filming and editing to make sure that all videos went up when we were away, but it was exhausting texting him to come over/asking to go over and him saying "sorry, can't, videos".

Currently, we were walking around shops and  picking up a couple of things we both needed before we went off to the convention, which we would be flying to tomorrow morning.

"You know you don't always have to look out for the fans, right?" I looked across at him and pressed my head to his shoulder, sighing contently. 

Jack scratched the back of his head as a beanie caught his eye, "yeah, I know, but I owe them absolutely everything. If it weren't for them I'd have nothing."

"You'd have me," I smiled at him, and his eyes lit up before he pressed a kiss to my cheek in appreciation.

"And I couldn't ask for more." he grinned, shoving the beanie into his basket before I picked up a chunky hoodie that would be comfortable for the flight.

"Do you think I'm going to get mauled?" I questioned, looking at a pair of expensive sunglasses before propping them back onto their stand and turning to face Jack, who had the dorkiest expression on his face as he pushed a pair of rainbow coloured new years glasses onto his nose. "You nerd."

He laughed before putting the glasses away and looking at me. "What do you mean, get mauled? Do you mean by the fans?"

"Well, yeah," I confirmed, taking his wrist and dragging him to the makeup section where I reached for a new lip colour before testing it out onto the back of my hand. "Ooh, this is nice."

"Don't change the subject," Jack said carefully, catching my hand before I put the product into my bag. As I dropped it, he tightened his grasp on my hand before dropping it all together. "I know you're scared about meeting them. I mean, not that many people know who you are. Sure, there's that picture of us on Instagram that sent everybody wild, but they won't bother you."

"OK, if you say so." I agreed, biting my lip as we went up to the counter to pay for our mishmash of products. 

After we had visited all the shops necessary, we walked home quietly, hand in hand, our pace fast as we noticed the over looming clouds and dreading having a repeat of what happened that once at the coffee shop. It had only just started spitting by the time we got into the block of apartments, and we were near out of breath after that powerwalk.

Heaving a breath, we both collapsed onto his sofa and dropped our bags by the door, deciding that we better get to sleep early so that we could be as rested up as possible before our flight early tomorrow morning. Due to the time difference, we'd have ridiculously bad jetlag, but we didn't really have time to worry about that right now. No pun intended. 

* * *

i hate this chapter so fucking much but it's literally just there because i didnt want to jump straight to the convention without clarifying any small things like how he invited her and how the fans know her because of an Instagram pic

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