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"You're fucking insane, Bryony."

I pulled the cigarette from my lips and threw it to the pavement before crushing the embers under my boot with a slight smirk on my denim lips.

"I know, Liz. I know."

I tucked my legs under the rustic bench and clung onto the seat, feeling splinters poke against my skin as I looked up into the sky, cursing the grey clouds that wafted over the stars and covered the night's beauty.

Letting out a breath of clean air, I spoke up: "do you ever think back to all the wishes you made when you were younger?"

"What do you mean?" My friend shot me a look, her eyebrows drawn together with confusion.

I shrugged. "Never mind. Forget it. Let's head back; I have a shit tonne of research to do."

"Don't you mean stalking?" Liz shot me a sideways smirk.

I smiled weakly, not appreciating her sarcastic tone. "Something like that."

* * *

My fingers tapped idly across my keyboard as the screen filled up with a list of apartments, though the words were as useless as my entire secondary school education as I filtered through them in a feeble attempt to find the one I was looking for.

The name was like a magnet; I wouldn't have scrolled past it, but after three hours of scouring the internet, I was starting to doubt my... expertise.

"Hey, what do you want for dinner-"

And there it was.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, my hand jerking off of the keyboard as if it'd been burning hot. "Oh my god!"

Liz ran into my room, her socks numbing the friction and causing her to almost fall on the glossy, wooden floor. "What is it? What's wrong?"

My hands were shaking and my breathing was erratic. I looked as if I was a breath away from having a mental breakdown right then and there, but my hyperactive mood swing was simply down to excitement.

"I found it," I breathed, my eyes widening. "I found it, I found it, oh my god, I found it."

Liz furrowed her brow again, "you found what?"

I thrust the laptop in her direction and she hesitantly took it into her arms, looking up at me with a somewhat concerned expression before studying the screen. Liz pulled back for a moment, her eyes narrowed, and then she placed my laptop down hesitantly at the end of the bed.

"You're not serious about this, are you?" She questioned me, her voice noticeably quieter than before. I bit back a grin by tugging on my lower lip with my teeth and then nodded my head enthusiastically. "I thought you were joking."

"No way! I... you know how I feel about him," I sighed, feeling my heart clench in my ribcage as I thought of him. "And I'll do anything to show him."

"I'm... I think I'm going to bed. If you're hungry, there're some leftovers from our takeaway last night," she said, swallowing nervously before leaving the room and slamming her door shut down the hallway.

I knew that she'd react this way when it all truly sunk in. My parents had taken me to multiple therapists through my teenage years, diagnosing me and labelling me with mental illnesses that I thought was a whole load of bullshit. Depressed? More like gloomily creative. Bipolar? I like to call it exaggerated emotions. No biggie.

But one thing I did know for sure is that what I felt for this man was certainly not a false, chemical imbalance of my brain. It was palm-sweating, heart-pounding, breath-taking love, and I swear on my life I wouldn't have it any other way.

I immediately saved the website to my favourites list, labelling it "gold mine". The number and email address for an open apartment in the block were readily available, and, with shaking fingers, I pulled my phone up and punched the numbers in.

"Hello, this is Stacey Coleman of Kings Cross apartments speaking. How can I help you?" A sweet, clearly-spoken voice crackled from the other end.

"Hello, yes, I'm interested in your free apartment," I spoke quickly, eyes scanning across the screen. "Room 246?"

"Yes! It's a wonderful little place, really," she said. "It doesn't seem to be getting as much attention, though. Noise problem, they said. There have been checks and it's been confirmed to have no issues, though the reviews seem to say otherwise. It really is a shame-"

I bit my lip, "oh, really? A friend recommended it to me and I thought it seemed quite nice."

"It is. Are you interested in buying or renting?" She asked.

"Renting," I confirmed after a moment's thought.

"Okay. When would you like to visit?" She questioned.

"As soon as possible," I chuckled nervously, feeling the excitement bubble in my stomach as I pulled up the notes on my laptop, pressing my shoulder to my ear to keep the phone in place as my hands hovered over the keyboard, ready to type down any necessary information.

"The next soonest appointment I'm available for is tomorrow at 4pm. How does that sound?" She asked.

"It sounds good," I agreed, typing it down and saving it immediately.

"Wonderful! You'll find me at the front desk at 3.30. It has a big sign above it- you can't miss it," she said, and then, after a few more words exchanged, the call was over and I had finally confirmed a viewing of the apartment I knew would lead me right to my future boyfriend.

* * *

so this is going to be like an insane/creepy kinda fic so expect some weird shit fam

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