f i f t e e n

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"I'm so exhausted, I think my legs are about to give way," I complained, rubbing my lower back. Yawning, I suddenly felt something hit the back of my legs and then I was up in the air and I let out a yelp, my eyes snapping open. Jack was chuckling at my surprise as he carried me, and there was a sudden surge of cheering and my cheeks flushed a deep pink. "Jack, put me down!"

Laughing still, he put me down gently and guided me to a chair that I could sit on while he continued to talk to fans. They were down to the last thousand or so now, and they were rushing through them like a fire through a forest.

I felt a gentle tapping on my shoulder and I whipped around, brow furrowed.

"Hello?" I questioned, looking at the girls who held pieces of paper in their shaking hands. They smiled at each other before one of them looked up at me, hope shining in her plain eyes. Oh, sweet, innocent adolecense. What went wrong with my youth?

"Hey," she said quietly. "We're really big fans."

"Fans? Of me?" I asked, feeling my heart thud. "Oh, but I've done nothing! Surely you came here to see Mark and the others, not me?"

"But we are fans of you," she assured me. "You're like, the queen of the jacksepticeye fandom now, so of course we are!"

"Queen of the fandom?" I let the words roll off my tongue before letting out a laugh. "OK, then. I'll take it."

"Could we... could we have a picture?" The other one asked, producing her phone in her small hands. I thought about this for a moment, letting the request bubble in my stomach before grinning and agreeing.


The girls were on either side of me and I pulled a silly face, allowing them to take a picture that I knew would soon be all over social media. I was not looking forward to all the notifications, but I suppose I could get used to it.

Soon enough, the line had to be cut short, much to about a couple hundred or so fans disappointed, but at least it meant that I didn't have to be sitting here, being called over by the occasional fan to take a selfie, feeling tired as all hell. There were still many lingering fans pushing up against the bars, but there was nothing Jack or Mark, or even Wade, could do. We were being ushered away.

"Hey, are you OK?" Mark asked, appearing at my side as I paused, rubbing my eyes and dropping my head away from the lights.

"Hm?" I hummed, looking up with slanted eyes. "Oh, yeah, I'm good. Just sooooo tired."

He laughed at my exaggeration. "Me, too."

"Same. I am so excited to get back to the hotel and just pass out," Jack said, smiling and waving at another crowd of fans, some with their phones out as they filmed us all. It felt a little unnerving having so many lenses shoved into your face, but I suppose I would have to get used to it over the weekend.

As soon as we parted ways with the others, we made it to our hotel and instantly went to the elevator. My eyes were burning with exhaustion as I collapsed against Jack's side, clutching his warm torso to hold myself up. He wrapped his arm around my body and put a hand on my head, running his fingers through my hair and humming contently until the elevator dinged and we dragged ourselves back to the room.

I stumbled into the bathroom to remove my make up, wincing at the dark circles under my eyes as Jack brushed his teeth. Spitting out the excess and wiping his mouth, he wrapped his arms around my waist and stood behind me.

"Don't look at yourself like that," he whispered, chin buried into my neck. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, enjoying the sensation of his body pressed against mine, though hating the restriction of clothes. "You're beautiful."

His voice sent shivers down my spine as I finished up removing my make up, and I turned to press a warm kiss to his lips. We stayed there for a moment, swaying in our tired haze, before finally stripping of our clothes, changing into something more comfortable and then huddling up in the sheets. It was one of those cuddly nights.

* * *

My eyes were forced open when a light cut through them. Blinking, I realized that it was dead in the middle of the night, and the light that shone in the room was from Jack's phone. He slept through the silent notification, and I fought the temptation before giving in to it and snatching his phone off of the table.

Signe: hey, what room are you staying in?

My entire body clenched at the thought of them having conversed about something like this. What kind of business did she have up in our hotel room? Something about this whole situation reeked of adultery, and I didn't like it one bit.

With aching fingers, I forced myself to ignore the message and I locked the phone, pushing it aside again. Although flared up, I was still extremely tired and managed to fall asleep with the image of Signe's disembodied head in my mind.

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