Chapter 1.

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Two years later.

I'm sitting in 3rd period English and we have another new student. Apparently his name is Jason Carter. He's a junior like me and well he has a sister who is new here too. Crazy thing is, is that they are twins. Yes, boy-girl twins. Never met twins in my life before and well it's pretty neat. I already met his sister Jessica. We have first period Math and second period History together. She wasn't like any of the other girls here and she said the same about me. She even called me her friend and well i have to say it feels good to be called that after everything that has happened.

"Class this is our new student Jason Carter, some of you might of already met his twin sister Jessica." Mrs. Lopez said to the class but most of them didn't even seem to pay attention.

I looked around wondering where he was going to sit. Our school isn't exactly like a regular high school. See i live in a small town and well our school is pretty small. I sat in the back alone away from everyone and well the only seat available was the one next to me. Of course, it would be that one. Why did it have to be that one. As he sat down i studied him. He was really cute, dirty blonde hair that was short. He also looked strong, and was probably into sports. He was wearing a red patterned button up with some denim jeans. Did i mention he was cute? Scratch that he was hot!

"Hey. I'm Jason" he said interrupting my thoughts.

"Hi, I'm Alba."

"Cool name."


"Welcome." he said and i could feel the awkward silence creeping up. I had to speak.

"So I met your sister earlier?" I said and it sounded like a question when it came out.

"Oh, yeah? Cool."

"Yeah she is" I said as the teacher started talking. I really couldn't concentrate on the assignment because all i was thinking about was Jason and his sister, Jessica. She looked just like him but except she was a girl of course. Her hair was long half way down her back in curls and blonde like his, she was tall about 5'7 or 5'8. Her skin was flawless not a pimple in site. That's exactly what she was. Flawless. My thought were soon interrupted by the bell. One more period until lunch. Fourth went by really fast and I'm now in line for my lunch when Jessica walks up to me.

"Hey, were are you sitting?" I looked at her dumb founded surprised she's want to sit with me.

"Uh, I usually eat my food by the library since that's where my next class is." I said but I soon regretted it because i sounded totally pathetic.

"Oh really, mines too. I'll sit with you" she said as i let her get in line with me. As we walked to the tables by the library no one said anything. We finished eating and we were still in silence. Maybe i should say some thing?

"So. How are you liking it here?" I asked

"Uh, it's okay. Way smaller then my last school, that's for sure."

"Yeah. Where are you from anyway?"

"Uh, we lived in Michigan. We as in my brother and i lived there all our lives. This was our first time out of state." She said with the look of sadness in her eyes. She must miss home.

"You miss it huh?" I said and as soon as i said it i wish i hadn't because she started getting teary eyed and i didn't know what to do. So i just starred at her.

"Yeah, a lot actually. Everyone is there, my boyfriend, my best friend. Everyone." She said and i cringed at the word best friend. I couldn't even remember what it was like to have a best friend anymore. The bell rang as we went to our class. The rest of the day went by quick and as I drove home I saw Jason and Jessica walking. So i pulled over got out and asked them if they wanted a lift. Jessica said yes as Jason said no. But before Jason could protest Jessica was already in my car.

I smiled and he rolled his eyes and said "We wouldn't need a ride if my mother would give me back my keys." I didn't know what to say so i walked up to the car and just got in.

"So, where to?"

They both started talking and said "Turn right here" It was pretty funny.

"Keep going straight and then make a left here." Jess said. Although i didn't need direction because this was the same way that i went home.

"My house is the second one on the street" She said as i braked stopping in the middle of the street staring at her like she was a killer.

"You-u live her-re?" I said stuttering. I never stutter.

"Yes. Why?" She said in a tone that sounded like she was worried as if i was about to tell her her house was haunted or something.

"Cause i live there." I said pointing at my house. My house was exactly five houses from hers.

She screeched and said "That's so cool to have my soon to be best friend living right down the street from me"

"Yeah" I said and Jason slammed my car door shut and walk the rest of the way to his house.

"He's still really mad about moving here." She said.

"Why?" I said. But i think i already knew the answer. Girlfriend.


Oh well. Of course he would have a girlfriend. I mean look at him!

"Hey you want to come inside?"

"Yeah sure." I said as i started pulling in her drive way.

"Well, it's time to meet the parents" She said.

All the houses on the block looked the same, same color. The only difference was the size on the inside, and well Jess was one of the bigger ones. Her house was two stories. On the first floor was the living room, kitchen, dinning room, den, the master bedroom and bathroom. Upstair was Jessica room, complete with her own bathroom and Jason's was the same, and a guest bedroom. Our house was nothing like this on the inside. Our house was big like this too but it wasn't like theres. Walking into Jessica's room was like walking into barbie's room the entire thing was pink, her bed covers were pink her laptop was pink and to think of it her iPhone was pink too. I had to get out of there, i was about to barf. I told her i had to go cause i had a lot of homework.

After dinner i washed the dishes since it was my turn. Mother tried to make conversation.

"How was school honey?"

"Fine, mom."

"Oh. Did you meet anybody new?" I snapped my head at her with big eyes. Did she already know about the Carters?

"What? No! Why?"

"Oh, just asking dear. Because I saw a new family moving in down the street and I saw a girl about your age. Just thought maybe you would of met her....."

She kept on but i zoned her out. She's always telling me how i should make some new friends since my last friends ditched me. Blah blah blah, i don't need any friends. I'm fine by myself. I finished the dishes and went to my room. Did my homework and jumped in the shower. After the shower i got dressed and decided to check my Facebook. I rarely did this, only cause i didn't want to see what people were up to or what new things they were doing. Saw that i had 3 new friend requests. One was from some dude i didn't know, Deny. Another was from a girl in my class but I didn't really talk or know her. She was probably just being nosey, Accept. The last one was from someone I just met. How on earth did they find me so fast. Jessica Carter, 3 mutual friends, i clicked on it to see the friends we had in common. Erin Greyson, Sage Chavez and Noel Conners. When I read the last one my heart stopped. I didn't even know i still had him as a friend. Didn't bother accepting because i clicked on Noel's page and clicked the un-friend button. He was far from a "friend". After that i didn't bother going back to accept Jess's request i just exited everything and shut the computer. Laid down in my bed and felt the memories creep up on me. Next thing i knew i cried myself to sleep.

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