Chapter 21.

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What is up with the California weather?

The next day, we lounged at the house moping around, since the weather guy said it was supposed to rain in the morning. Not a single drop fell and at eleven we decided that it wasn’t going to rain and headed to the beach. Well, it was fun while it lasted cause at around two it started to rain, and rain aggressively. It went on for about three hours and by then; the sun was already set, and Mr. Montez didn’t like for us to be out at night if he was out.

Believe it or not, Mr. Montez had a date tonight. Lily didn’t seemed fond of the idea, but she had informed us girls that it had been over three years since her mom died, and she just wants her dad to be happy.

So we decided to throw a little party at the house to get that off Lily’s mind.

Even though, it was just the eight of us, we still managed to have fun. Everyone was either in the pool, or the Jacuzzi. Lily had order us pizza and we all swam while we waited for it.

It was around seven thirty when the pizza came. We all changed and sat around in the living room. We ate while we scanned the pay-pre-view channels to find a movie to watch. It was between ‘Chloe' and ‘The Strangers.’ I wanted to watch Chloe, even though I had no idea what it’s about. But anything was better then a scary movie. Unfortunately, I was out voted, seven to one. Isn’t that lovely?

Everyone got there pillows and blankets and sprawled around the TV.

I was thankful that I had my blanket; cause when the movie barley started, I was all ready scared. I had the blanket up to the bottom of my eyes, no matter how scared I was, I still had to watch. On the scary parts though, I would cover my eyes but not fast enough because I would still see what happened. This was going to prevent me from getting any sleep tonight.

On the ‘almost have sex scene’ the guys were yelling at James, the guy from the movie.

“Oh, yeah finally.”

“Dude rip that dress off of here and give it to her.”

“Damn that girl is fine.” Patrick said and Jess slapped him upside the head.

I think the only one who didn’t say anything was Jason. But that’s probably cause the others had already said it all.

Then there was the bang!

Myself, and the other girls screamed so loud, it hurt my own ears. Gosh, I really hate this movie.


I laid in bed, Mr. Montez had put two beds in each room, and we had decided that each day we would shift, someone would get the bed to themselves while the others shared the other bed. And well, tonight was my night to sleep alone. If it wasn’t for all the thundering, I probably would have managed to fall asleep, but I kept thinking that someone was banging on the front door. All thanks to that damn movie they had me watch!

Another loud shriek of thunder and I screamed. I cover my mouth with both hands and waited to see if I woke anyone up. There was a light knock on the door. It’s probably Mr. Montez to check if I’m okay.

I opened the door and had to step back to make sure I was seeing this correctly.

“Everything okay? Some psycho killers in doll masks aren’t trying to kill you, are they?”

I laughed, “ No, but I doubt they would be letting you speak to me right now if they were. I’m fine though, really.”

“You sure?”


“You want to go downstairs and watch some TV? It’ll help subside the fear.”


That’s exactly what I needed. I grabbed my blanket and headed downstairs with Zach at my side. I still feel kind of weird around him, because of the whole make out thing at my party. I know it was so long ago, but we never really talk much after that. We sat on the two-seater couch and shared my blanket. The only good thing that is on is Spongebob, so that’s what we are watching. When it goes on a commercial Zach starts a conversation.

“So, you and Jason?”

“Huh?” I heard Zach speak, but I didn’t quite make out the words. I was sidetracked by the stupid informercial.


I pulled my knees up on the couch, rested my head on them and turned my face to Zach.


He pushed back a hair that had fallen behind my ear and smiled.

“You seem happier now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Before the Carters came, you just always seemed down. With Jess being a good friend to you, and Jason too, it seems like, they helped you forget whatever happened before.”

Not that he knew what really happened, but they did help me forget.

“I guess they did.”

“Yeah well, I think Jason likes you a little more then just a friend though.”

“Really?” I said coolly. I didn’t want to sound to eager about it.

“Yeah, I mean the way he looks at you, and how he always opens doors for you. And at school, you two are together, always. If it has anything to do with you, he’s always there. If you said jump, he’s say how high.”

I felt a little red in the face. Why is it that everyone noticed these thing before, except me?

“I guess you’re right, I never noticed before.”

“So him?”

Not that I really wanted to know why Zach was asking, it was just weird that he was. Maybe Derek had him ask me. Instead of answering verbally, I just nodded. And Zach didn’t say anything after that. He looked a little bit down, but I was way to tired to analyze it. I just want to go to bed, and knowing Zach was here made me feel, safer. In a brotherly sort of way. I rested my head on his shoulder and all I remember is Spongebob laughing hystericallyas I drifted to a deep slumber.

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