Chapter 16.

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Like I said before, going to the party with Jason, was a really bad idea!

It was the buzz of Monday’s morning gossip.

On my way out the door to my car this morning; Jason was there waiting in his car, asking me if I wanted a ride. I didn’t want to be rude by saying no so I accepted. When we got there he walked me to my first period and he showed up after every class to walk me to my next. It was really cute of him to do that, but it got everyone talking.

Surprisingly, I was out of my class before Jason even got there, due to the teacher letting us leave a whole two minutes early. I’m was walking to my locker to get my History textbook when I hear someone’s footsteps. I’m praying that they aren’t Jason.

“Alba? Hey?” 

Alicia Rogers walked up to me, she’s apart of Sage and Erin’s little posse. Something about this girl is sketchy.

“Hey.” I said, I tried to sound casual, but it really didn’t work.

“Uh, so your....Uh, dating Jason Carter?”

I looked at her baffled, people think we are dating now?

“That’s cool you know. I heard he’s like everything a girl wants in a guy. You're a lucky girl.”

A Lucky girl? What the... It took all the power in me not to slap her across the face right now.

“I’m sorry but whoever told you this is telling you lies, we aren’t dating. I don’t even like him.” 

“Really? ‘Cause by the look on your face, it seems like you do.” She rolls her eyes at me then says, “Whatever. Listen, if you don’t nab him quick someone else will, and by someone I mean, me.” She flipped her yellow blonde hair in my face and marched away.

I was a bit taken back at her words. I stood there staring at the empty space she once filled. What did she mean by ‘the look on my face’?

“Hey, you okay?”

Great, just what I need, him here.

“Yes, I’m fine...” The bell rang, signaling that I’m late. “...late actually.”

“I see. Want to ditch?”

“Want to what? Are you insane Jason?”

“No, your already late, plus your ahead in History anyway. I think you need a break.”

“Yeah well I wouldn’t have been-Wait. How do you know I’m ahead?”

“Mr. Zander talks about you like no other. He thinks highly of you.”

“Oh. Well, as tempting as ditching sounds, I can’t.” 

“Yes, you can.”

He grabbed my hand and dragged me towards his car.

“Jason you said ditching, you didn’t say anything about leaving school.”

“Trust me will you? We have lunch after so it’s no big deal. We’ll be back before its even over.”

He tossed me into the passenger side and buckled me in.

“I think I’m capable of buckling myself in, you know?”

“I know.” He breathed on me. The magical scent of vanilla and mint.

We sat in the car for about five minutes. Jason was watching something, or someone rather, cause he kept yelling at me to duck. After a minute, he finally started the car. Something about waiting for the guard to head into the school. I don’t know but I can’t believe he got me to ditch. I haven’t done this since freshmen year.

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