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Oliver's POV

I'm walking through the corridors, staying away from the light and hide in the shadows. Three months ago my constant bullies got bored after torturing me for almost 13 years and decided to search another fun. Though I feel very sad and bad for their next victim, I can't help but be happy that I finally can spend one week in peace before I graduate and get away from here.

I am a shifter. Nope not the strongest one, werewolf, but the weakest one. We have no name for the weakest has various forms. Mine is like the smallest version of a cat. Well I am a cat, it's just my form is so little that in feline family I will be considered three years old kid. I don't know if I have a mate and it's very cool if I do. Today is my birthday so I'll find that out.

Standing on my 5'5 I tiptoe to grab the books from my locker. Being skinniest and shortest has it's good and bad. Mostly bad since from I was little everyone hated me because they thought I was the cause of the mass-murdering of Heart of Sun pack and bullied me to the point I was literally near death yet there's not an ounce of strength in me to fight against them. I didn't bother to stand up for myself because I know the painful truth behind it and kept it to myself. That day, parents turned into stranger, brother turned into bully, friends turned into haters, and every packs turned into enemies.

I sigh at the painful memories and walk toward the class, that's before someone pushed me from behind. Unfortunately I was descending the stairs so now I'm rolling down and my head hit the hard floor painfully.

Laughters vibrate through the school. I'm used to this but still a blush crept up my cheeks from the humiliation. Trembling, my fingers reach the back of my head and rub it. My eyes widen seeing the blood, a mocking scream is directed at me.

"Look, the little sinner fag is crying!"

Insults are mercilessly thrown to me. They don't bother to care about the blood streaming out from my head. Gathering my books, I limp my way to the nurse office.

The nurse looks at me and soon grimaces, ignoring my existence completely. I just take some bandages and alcohol then walk out to forest not too far from the school.

Like I said, I'm used to it.

Easily I arrive at my sanctuary, a waterfall hidden deep in the forest that no ome knew about it. Even if they do, they don't care. After finding my usual spot placed behind the waterfall, I clean my wound and apply some alcohol. The throbbing is slowly subsided as I'm getting asleep.

By the time I get up the sky has gotten darker. The school must have finished. Perfect. I'd rather get my bag when no one is around.

As soon as I step into the yard, the most delicious mouth watering scent hit me like a brick. Following it, I am met with the most captivating beautiful eyes in my whole life.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" I jump back. Those eyes are filled with pure rage. My eyes widen in dread.

Erick Cuatonov is my mate.

"What's wrong?" Garvin asks. Then I realize I am cornered. He's with Garvin and Keefe. They're my main bullies.

"Look, the fag is here." my brother snorts. And soon I get punched in the face. I fall on my back scraping my elbow.

"Keefe, tell your parents I'm kicking him out of the pack." Erick says making my breath hitch. People start to gather and the hallway now is crowded.

He laughs. "They don't care! They want him to be dead anyway. He's a dirt, a shame to all of us."

"B- b- but we're mates.." I whisper but I can tell they hear by the way they all gasp, except Erick.

"Not anymore." his face scrunches up in disgust. "You think I want to be with sinner like you? You're the most disgusting thing I've ever known and I'll never like you, let alone love you!"

"N- no please! I'll do anyth-"

Ceshya pulls my hair and literally screams at my face. "You think the biggest and strongest pack in the world needs you to be their Luna? Don't even dream about it, you power hungry slut!" she should tell it to herself though. If anything, power is the least of my desire. I just long for him, my mate.

"No please, I love you Erick.." hiccuping, I try to get away from her clenching my brown hair. "Don't do this, I love yo-"

"I, Erick Cuatonov reject you, Oliver Amery as my mate." in an instant my head feels like being split up into two, my skin feels like being burned and my inside is like torn apart, twisting. I can't scream and cough blood yet it only makes them cheer on more.

The bell rings and everyone leaves me in sneer while I'm having a seizure and can't breath. My brother spits on me.

"I hope no one will be mated to a piece of shit like you. You're a waste in this world. Do us a favor and leave, or even better die!"

"Keefe, let's go!" he leaves after shooting me one last glare.

Why are they so horrible? How could they do something so terrible to me? I say to myself. A minute later the pain subsides a little. I weakly stand up and go home.

Just two feet away from the stairs, a voice booms behind me. "What are you doing here?" turning I see my dad and mom at the entrance. They frown in disappointment.

"I- I-"

"Go to pack house. That is if they want to accept you. Either way get out of here. I don't want to see your face." mom turns away, followed by dad. "God why did I give birth to that thing? He's not a wolf, a disgrace!" I hear mom talking loudly.

Wiping away my tears, I run quietly to the pack house. Sneaking upstairs to the attic which has become my permanent room since my parents always kick me out.

Suddenly the door is thrown open. There standing Erick with his followers.

"Get out!! This house will be dirty from your sin!!!" he grabs my hair and drags me out. Everyone is cheering on him, even the alpha and luna don't do anything seeing us.

After I get thrown to the ground, Erick slams the door and locks it. I am crying my eyes out, not bothering the stare of disgust from people passing by.

Then like a lightning, a thought struck in my head. Without wasting any second, my legs bring me to the nearest station and I use my own money I got from working secretly as a waiter in a restaurant to pay the ticket to a country far, far away.

Even after they did this to me, I still do a favor to them. Their only most wanted thing.

I run away.


Erick's POV

I can feel it. His pain, his betrayal.

Oliver's the weakest thing I've ever met. He is scrawny, feminime and simply weak not to mention the sin he did. Who wants someone like him? Obviously not me, the Alpha of Silver Black.

My wolf and I agree in one thing. We don't need Oliver Amery.

The pictrure's Oliver and his cat form

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