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Erick's POV

"Liam, you're getting distracted! Concentrate! Fint your hold is weak! Bryan you lose again, you're going to cook dinner for us!"

Every single minute I will yell another person, sometimes the same like the pack warrior Bryan. He's lazy, that I know. Later I'll personally train him.

Seems like I think that aloud because suddenly Bryan whimpers in fright. He then becomes more serious and finally wins.

"Aren't you strict." my beta Keefe appears beside me.

"No. The moment we're laid back, that's our loss."

"Good to know you're not affected."

"With what? Him?" I mock knowing we're talking about the same person. He puts the same face as me.

"We all know it's better he's not here anymore."

"Yeah so don't talk about him, don't even say his name."

"Yes, Alpha." he grins and goes to the training field joining the others.

To tell the truth, I'm affected. It's just been two weeks and four days since he's gone yet I can't stop getting anxious and angry all the time. Even Lucifer is exhausted, I can feel that he's starting to regret our decision.

But who am I kidding? Like his brother said, it's better that he's gone. Our pack is getting more and more stronger each day while I have to admit, I'm getting restless with all this emotional thing.

Oliver, even when you're gone you caused nothing but trouble.


A knock sounds from the door.

"Come in." I say without taking my eyes from the papers. There's a sound of door opening then closing. The next thing I know a pair of arms tangle themselves around my shoulder.

"Hello, Mr. Alpha."

I turn to the most beautiful woman. "Ceshya." I kiss my girlfriend passionately. In a week we'll announce our marriage then complete the mating.

Alpha from the Six Cross has arrived. Garvin tells me through the mindlink.

I sigh and break the kiss. "Baby, as much as I want to pin you down here I've to greet our guest."

She pouts and internally I roll my eyes. Here we go again.

"So that's it? You choose someone else than being with me? Am I not good enough for you, Erick? Fine, if you don't want me it's your loss! Don't come searching for me!" she stomps her feet and storms out, expecting me to run after her.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and calm myself. She's always getting on my nerves but I can't have her leave me. She'll be my perfect Luna and our pack will remain strongest than ever.

Inside the meeting room I'm met with an old man, he has wrinkles all over his face but they're added with a look of agony and pain. Somehow his eyes remind me of him.

I shake my head a little to clear the thought. "Alpha Lockwood." putting a professional smile, I offer my hand which he takes.

"Sorry to bother you, Alpha Cuatonov. It's very urgent and I can't wait before it's too late."

"What's wrong?" I ask, frowning.

"It's about the tragedy of Heart of Sun pack. Could you summon your pack? They need to know." he swallows. "Everyone has to know."

A moment later people have gathered at the front yard. Although the land's spacious, to contain 896 adults makes it a bit difficult on managing the place.

Using his alpha voice so that everyone can hear it, the old man starts his speech.

"I'm Alpha Lockwood, my mate is the Luna of Heart of Sun." the second he says that, we all hold our breath. Some gasp and the others murmur to each other.

Silence. I mindlink them and they quickly do.

"I wanted to tell you the truth behind their massacre but unfortunately her death put me in coma for years." he closed his eyes. "Marianna is the daughter of the beta. She's married to the alpha's son and got pregnant. They love each other but when I appeared, her husband wasn't happy. He always accused her for cheating on him which she wasn't. She told me that she loved me but she couldn't leave her husband. They had been married for five years, waiting for a child. I understood her decision and their power of love amazed me so I left. However, the husband had always been anxious and worried that I would take her away, he kept distancing himself. Then it got worse and worse everyday and," he gulps remembering the terror.

"One day he went mad and killed everyone including her. I came to help but it was too late." he keeps his eyes to the sky as if he's looking at his mate there. "There's only one witness, a little boy who crossed the border. He told me the lady, my mate, was his best friend. He often came there to help her so she wouldn't be sad again. The boy was in trauma but I could tell from his eyes he's strong. When I was about to bring him home and tell the others about this, I fell unconscious from the pain of losing her."

By the time he finishes my gut's wrenching in pain. Everyone has pale faces and I bet mine too. Lucifer is howling and howling again, like he's gone crazy.

Not realizing us he continues. "I've told the rest of the other packs but he's not there. I want to thank him for being there with her when I wasn't and see his condition, if he blames himself or still in trauma. I need to know, is he here? Your pack is the last pack and I don't know where else to look for him.." he finally looks at me. "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

I clear my throat while inside I'm feeling hollow. "Uh yeah.. H- he was our pack member."

"Was? You mean he's dead?!" he surprises us by breaking into tears. "Oh goddess, that poor kind soul! He must have those horrible nightmares! Tell me, did he suffer? Please tell me he lived his life happily, he didn't deserve any of pain and sadness!"

My throat feels dry. "H- he uh.."

"How does the child look like?" my dad suddenly asks. He and my mom are white as a sheet.

"He had brown hair and pale skin. He's very thin and his eyes were deep brown. There's a tattoo on the back of his neck. It looked like-" please not rose, please let it be not rose. "Rose."

A commotion uproars from behind and I see Mr. Amery holding his wife in bride style, he's crying while muttering something. She must have passed out, I don't blame her. Keefe looks like he wants to throw up from the shock.

We just realize we've done something terrible. Way, way too terrible.

Oliver Amery is innocent.


Keefe's POV

Have you ever felt you're falling into a dark and cold misery? When all your beliefs crumble into nothing?

When you feel your life is lowest, more than shit?

That's what I'm feeling right now.

If there's something I can grab right now, I will break it into pieces wishing it's me.

The only thing I know, I want to do, is to kill myself right now.

Dad and mom are in the hospital. She's sick and hasn't regained her consciousness. After the old man knew about how we treated him badly what we did to him, he only shook his head, seemed too tired to be angry.

He only said that we would pay for that and kept repeating "I'm so sorry I'm too late.." then left in great dissapointment.

I don't know what happen to everyone else especially Erick, Garvin and their parents. They used to love my little brother before that happened.

Remembering it all burns the inside of me. I claw the torn sofa again and again until someone holds me.

"Oh, Keefe!!" Loraine my little sister cries into my arms. "What to do? He hates me.. He hates me doesn't he.."

I don't answer because we both know it. We just cry, cry until there's no single tear left.

The picture's Erick

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