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I kept making grammar mistakes since I'm used to write in past tense so from here on I will make the stories in past tense.

Thank you for your consideration and I am sorry for all :)

Erick's POV

There's something wrong.

I couldn't place my finger on it but my instinct was telling me something was terribly wrong. It didn't help when my wolf kept pacing and howling inside my head.

What's wrong?

He growled and howled again trying to take over.

Talk to me, dammit! You're getting me a headache!

Growling a name my eyes widened in disbelief as my legs instantly brought me toward the hospital. Despite of me being far away outside the territories due to exterminating rogues, I ignored the yells and shouts calling my name from Garvin and Keefe.

It's raining so hard that the ground had turned into muds, making it difficult to walk on.

About half an hour later I hastily opened the white door only to find an empty bed, opened windows and his missing clothes.


"What's wr-" Garvin cut himself as his eyes stopped at the same direction ad mine.

Keefe ran into the room and searched for nothing then paced around the room in utter panic. "Where did he go?!"

"Send all trackers and wariors. No one stops until we find him."

Without being told twice every breathing werewolves went into the forest.

"Calm down, Ad-"

"Calm down?! My mate is alone out there and who knows what could happen-!" gritting my teeth I bit my lower lips to prevent myself from hurting my own mother.

My throat hurt thinking about the worst. "If anything were to happen-" mom sat beside me trying to soothe me down.

"Never say that, honey. Let's hope nothing happens, okay?"

But how many times had I been wrong all my life?

Once. And that's when I broke Oliver's heart.

Please, I'm begging you Goddess please let this sickening feelings inside me be wrong.

Please let nothing happen to him.


Oliver's POV

Smell of disinfectant strongly hit my nose and I frowned in disgust. Why was I smelling this again?

The word again triggered my memories. The run away plan, the rape.. I opened my eyes widely, soon regretted it since I was attacked by bright light this time.

"He's waking up." a voice said beside me. Loud much.

"Hey Olly?" THAT voice made me want to stay unconscious forever. It brought unfortunate events in my life and She said I had to accept him?

Over my dead balls.

"Please wake up, baby. Please."

He sounded so desperate and sad. I rolled my eyes inwardly, then again I couldn't keep playing dead, could I?

So I did open my eyes not because he begged me but because they were getting tired pretending.

Besides him, there're Keefe, his dad and sister, also Garvin. They all looked so worried sick.

"Are you okay?" Erick put his hand behind my neck while the other was holding a glass of water yet I beat him by taking the glass with slightly trembling hand and drank it myself.

A look of hurt flashed on his eyes but as fast as it came it disappeared, replaced by thick worry.

"How are you feeling?" he asked brushing my hair from my face after taking the glass from me.

Without answering I turned away.

I am in no mood for talking, dammit.

"I'm sorry." yeah ye-


Raising my eyebrow in question I looked at him.

"I let you get hurt again. I'm a failure. And a loser." he swallowed, his fists clenched on the hospital sheet. "I swear that son of bitch will pay, as long as I'm br-"

"Erick." he snapped his head so quickly that it beat a whiplash. "I was raped many times before. This is nothing new." I said with a nonchalant face to all of them.

Their reaction differed by each person. To sum it up Erick, Keefe and Garvin seemed as if they just got splashed with acid, the beta's father looked like he got hit by a truck while the sister's face went pale as a chalk.

Not used to this, I couldn't help but frown. Last time I was here two years ago they were laughing when I was being raped. Really, hypocrites.

For a long moment of silence I finally had enough. "What? If there isn't anything else, I want to get out as soon as possible."

Seeing no response from their frozen states I grumbled and reached toward the wires with intention of pulling them off.

My movement however was stopped when Erick grabbed my arm with his shaking hand.

"I- I'll c- call the doct-" the girl whispered yet before finishing her words she ran outside, followed by her father.

"We'll leave you two alone." said the man named Garvin.

I stared at them all, the change was so foreign for me. The door closed yet Erick still had my arm, staying quiet.


"Let me go." he blinked to me and instead of doing so, he brought my hand to his lips. With wide eyes from the surprise I tried to tug my hand which he kept securely in his gentle grasp. Helplessly I watched him as I felt my wrist touch something wet.

The kiss stayed for a bit longer on my nasty old cuts before he raised his head to look at me in the eyes.

"No." my lips gaped in disbelief. "I will never let you go ever again. I did once, no.. twice and I lost you." a lone tear fell onto my hand. "It feels like I can't reach you, I can't grasp you. Even when we're this near, even if I hold your hand you seem so far, far away." closing his eyes, I swallowed as his face scrunched in pain. "And it made me mad, it frustates me. I can't do anything besides watching you drift away-" his voice cracked.

An utter silence came between us.

"You remember when we used to be best friends?" I didn't answer. "Or when our parents used to hold thanksgiving and christmas together? When we played pirates together with Keefe, and Garvin then we made the brother bonds?"

"I missed those time, Oliver. I wish I had believed in you, I wish I can take back everything. I'll give anything to ease your pain, to release you from hurting. Believe me." he breathed out shakily. "Please believe me when I say I do regret making your life miserable.." he lowered his head for a moment then looked at me again, wearing a small pained smile. "I understand if you can't forgive me."

Understand? Does he know how his voice trembled as he said that?

"Do not stray from your path. Never let your anger blind you."

I almost thought the Goddess was talking to me. Maybe she did


"If you were me, Erick." I said without breaking our stares.

"If you were me.." it came as a whisper. "What would you do?"

The picture's Loraine

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