Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

"Hey Tay, thought I should let you know that Ellie's here, she's gonna watch the show from my dressing room okay?" Ed asks, peeking his head in my dressing room. "I thought you weren't ever talking to me again, for some unknown reason," I say while I apply my mascara and he gives me a look and walks towards me, closing the door behind him. "I was just telling you Ellie was here, its your show, you should know. I don't even know why Im still on this tour," He says, "Me either." I shoot back, now standing up, but I don't mean it. God Im stupid. He looks at me, shocked, but I go back to doing my makeup. "Fine, I don't need you," he says. "Okay, fine, leave," I shoot back, and just as he was halfway out the door, he turns around, grabs my wrist, pulls me close to him, and presses his lips against mine. His hands moved to my waist, holding a firm grip, and I loosely hang my arms around his neck as the kiss got deeper, then the door opened.

"Ed?" Someone asked, they sounded hurt. He pulls away and we both turn towards the door.


"Ellie, I can ex-" but she cuts him off. "No Ed, save it. Taylor, I thought we were friends, but your just as bad as him," she says, and turns to the door. "Ellie, I am your friend! Im sorry, stop," I yell behind her, but she slams the door.

Ed looks at me, his eyes burning into mine. "Im so sorry Taylor," he says, but I push the hair out of my face and flop on the couch. "It was both of us," I mumble, and he sits next to me and sighs. "I shouldn't have kissed you, it was an impulse thing, I dont know," he says, and I nod. "Ed, you know I like you a lot, but that wasn't the right thing to do, I feel terrible," I say, and he wraps his arms around me, and I lean my head on his shoulder. "Me too," he mumbles.

"Ed's on in 5," Grant yells through the door, and then I hear his footsteps pad away, down the hall. "Good luck," I say, hugging him, and he smiles. "Thanks Tay," he answers, and we both walk to the stage.

As I watch Ed perform on the little t.v. we have backstage, I wonder, was that just a kiss or are we a thing? I don't even know what I want. I feel like a hipocrite. I wrote Girl at Home, and then I kissed Ed while he had a girlfriend. Maybe Im just being hard on myself? "Tay swizz, whats wrong?" Liz asks, breaking my thoughts. She's watching a few shows while she's in town. "Liz, Ed kissed me, Ellie saw, and they broke up," I blurt out, and a smile crosses her face. "YAY!" She yells, takes my hands, and starts jumping up and down. "No Liz, thats BAD. Ellie was my friend," I mumble, and she rolls her eyes. "Tay, he kissed YOU, you didnt kiss him, its not your fault." "I could've pulled away," I mumble and she shakes her head. "No, you like him, why would you?" She asks, and I shrug, upset, causing her to throw her arms around me. "Its alright baby girl," she whispers, and I rest my head on her shoulder as she comforts me.


Whats Tay doing?!!

Will she let Ed and her be an item?

Or will she feel to bad, and throw that away?


Tied Together with a Smile {Ted Sweeran}Where stories live. Discover now