Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

After a few seconds, I force myself to pull away. "Taylor, I have a boyfriend, I can't," I snap. "Oh my gosh Tay, I'm so sorry," he says. "It's my fault, I should be with Ed," I say with a sigh. "Do you even love Ed? Does he make you happy?" He asks. "Things are sensitive right now between Ed and I.
He makes me happy, but lately he's been distant, I miss him," I say quietly, and he nods. "I gotta run, sorry again, text me," he tells behind his back as he runs out, and I smile and start walking back to the studio.

"Tay! There you are," Ed says with a smile, standing up, and pressing his lips against mine. Why is he all of a sudden happy? "Ed, I should tell you something," I start, but he cuts me off. "I forgot I'm meeting Harry.. Come and tell me on the way?" He asks, grabbing his jacket. Really? I nod and take his hand.

There's dead silence as we walk to Harry's. "Ed, Taylor Lautner and I kissed," I blurt out, and he stops dead tracks, and turns to me. He looks devastated. "Ed, I'm-" I start, but he cuts me off. "How could you?" He asks, staring at me, but I don't answer, and he walks ahead.

Once we walk up to Harry's house, Ed knocks. "Ello," Harry says, swinging the door open, and then he sees me. "Oh, Taylor? Hey," he says surprised, and I wave shyly. "Come in," he says, and Ed walks in, I follow.

We sit on the couch. "Tay, how's the tour?" Harry asks. "It's good! It's making me so happy," I say with a smile. "Why don't you kiss Harry too?" Ed mumbles, and we both look at him. "What the hell Ed?" Harry asks, startled. "Taylor cheated on me, she kissed taylor lautner, I don't even know why she's here with me still," Ed snaps. "Ed, I'm sorry, I'm lonely and hurt. IT'S HARD," I shout, and Harry widens his eyes. "Ey, settle down," he says, and Ed shoots me a glare. "And it's not hard for me? And now, the one person I truly love, after all of this, CHEATS? It's not hard on me at all," he shouts back, and I tear rolls down my cheek. "Ey, it's hard for both of you, but please stop bickering, it's annoying the shit out of me," Harry says, interrupting. "I wish I never slept with you in the first place. I wish I was never involved," Ed says quietly, and he storms out of the house. Harry looks at me with wide eyes. "Taylor, he doesn't mean it," he says as I stand up, and he stands up to and pulls me in for a hug as I cry on his shoulder. "He's such a jerk," I say between sobs, and Harry rubs my back in comfort.

Ed's POV:

I run down the street until I reach a bench on the side of the road. I bet taylor and Harry are down each others throats right now.

As I sit here, It starts down pouring out of no where, and I sit here in the dark. How could she do that to me? How could she kiss taylor? Does she even love me? Did she ever love me? Probably not. No one loves me. I'm a lonely chubby ginger that's not like able. The fans say they love me, but they probably don't. How could they? I'm me. Taylor doesn't love me. They dont love me. I don't love me.

How could I say those things to Taylor?

Even if she doesn't love me,

I love her.

I will always love her.

But I hate myself.

Tied Together with a Smile {Ted Sweeran}Where stories live. Discover now