Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

2 month later:


Words spreading. I have a bit of a baby bump and people are noticing when I wear my dresses, and there's no point in hiding it so whatever. I finally told all my friends and the agency and the crew and stuff, they are all super supportive on changing the dance numbers so I don't fall or slip and harm the baby and stuff like that and Im so happy. I haven't publicly announced I'm pregnant, but thats coming soon, Im making a live chat, just like I  did when red came out, so Im telling them on there in a few minutes. I tweeted that I would be on at 3, and its 2:45.

"Hey Tay, need anything else?" Ed asks, handing me a coffee. "No, Im fine, thanks babe," I say with a smile and kiss his cheek. "When are you announcing?" he asks, putting his arm around me as we sit on the floor, leaning against the couch, looking at the computer screen which is on the coffee table in front of us. "Any minute, I want you to be here Ed," I say, leaning my head on his shoulder, and he nods. "Of course, whatever you need," he whispers, and kisses the top of my head.

At 2:50 we moved into the room where I did the live chat for red, and the camera crew comes and starts to set up. There's no live audience this time, just Ed and I sitting next to each other. This is scary. They don't even know we are dating, so its gonna be awkward.

By the time we are ready, its 3:04, and the camera guy says, "3,2,1, live," and points to me. "Hey guys, your probably wondering why Im doing this," I say with a smile, and I sit up as straight as possible. "Oh, and Ed's here too," I say, pointing to Ed and we both laugh. "Hello," he says, waving. "Well, big things have been happening to me, the record, the tour, the VMA's, everything has been crazy, and there have been some rumours going around this month," I start, and I take a deep breath and look at Ed nervously, he takes my hand and nods. "Ed and I are dating, and... yes, I am pregnant," I say with a nervous smile, and I pause. The camera guy says, "lets pull up a google plus video chatter," and I nod and a girls face comes on the big screen, she looks shocked. "Hey, whats your name?" I ask smiling, and Ed waves. "Im Angelica, how far along are you?" she asks, her eyes wide. "Uhm," I say, thinking, and turn to Ed. "Is it 13 weeks? I think so," I say, and he nods. "Yeah, 13 weeks," I say with a smile and nod, and then the camera guy says, "Now lets turn to a typer," and he pulls up a question. It reads, 'How long have you known? How long have you been dating?'

"We've known for about 2 months now, yeah, its crazy, we've been dating for about three months," I say with a nod. "Three months tomorrow," Ed adds with a smile, and rests his hand on my thigh, making me smile.

After the live chat, I know my twitter mentions are blowing up. "Don't read them Tay, there's gonna be mean things," Ed says with a sigh as I scroll through. "There's a couple nasty things Ed, but my fans have my back," I say, reading some.

"@HarryForever: I feel bad for Ed. @TaylorSwift13 is a slut, ED, RUN AWAY"

"@Sheerioplanet: HOW WAS SEX WITH ED, IS HE GOOD!? I BET" I giggle at that one

"Am I good?" Ed asks, looking over my shoulder. "Yes, yes you are babe," i say with a smirk, and peck his lips, but then he stands me up, and kisses me more. "You were too," he whispers in between kissing, and I smile. Ed and I have the most immature, goofy, stable, relationship ever, even when we are having a baby after dating for 3 months.

Tied Together with a Smile {Ted Sweeran}Where stories live. Discover now