Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

"Babe," Ed whispers, shaking me lightly, and I flutter my eye lids open. "I missed waking up to this," I whisper, and he smiles. "Get changed love, I'm taking you on a proper date," he says with a smirk. "Okay, I'll take a shower, but Ed, you don't have to," I say, slipping out of the covers and walking into the attached master bath to turn on the water. "Yes, but I want to," he says, as I start getting undressed. "I'll go make us some breakfast, have a good shower," he says with a chuckle, walking over to me, and kissing my lips even though I was in a bra and panties, and he exits the room.

After my refreshing shower I slip into my white dress and I meet Ed downstairs, to find him making me ego waffles in his usual t-shirt and jeans. "Fancy," I say sarcastically as I walk behind him and wrap my arms around him. "I'm glad you like it," he says with a tease, and I kiss the side of his neck.

When we are finally done with breakfast, we get into his car. "Where are we going? Just tell me," I say, nudging his arm, but he shakes his head. "Never," he says in a deep creepy voice, and we both start cracking up.

Finally we pull up to the hill that the Hollywood sign is on, and we walk all the way up. Once we reach the top, I find a picnic below the Hollywood sign. "Ed, this is amazing," I say, swirling around. "You told me when we first met that you always wanted to be a singer, and you always wanted to look at the Hollywood sign and say to yourself, 'I made it,' and there's no better way to do it then now," he says with a smirk, and I run into his arms and press our lips together. "Thank you Thank you Thank you, your the best boyfriend ever," I say with a smile, and he kisses me again and adds, "I know," with a blush, and we sit down and eat our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.



if you wanna read my Harry Styles Fanfiction, here.

Name of story: 'Tsunami Tides'

Account name: wellhazza

Look at it on there please! It has barely any reads yet!! <33

Love youuuuu

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