8 Changes They Are a Comin'

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Something was definitely off with Jacob. After the beach incident he was acting different. I couldn't figure out what it was but he kept blowing me off, pushing me away, and whenever I started to talk to him he would just blantly ignore me.

I didn't have much time to figure out what was going on with officer tryouts right around the corner. Tomorrow we were going to learn the routine and I was honestly a nervous wreck.

"5 6 7 8!" I heard the captain say as she showed us the routine

This was a very difficult dance that required a lot of sad emotions. The only problem was that I wasn't sad I actually was really happy.

"Emotion!" Desiree screamed

I was going through the dance for her so she could correct my mistakes.

"C'mon Kayla!" Desiree sat down next me. "Your technique is flawless it's just the emotion that you need work on."
I nodded at her.

We were walking out of the gym and Cira met up with us and we walked to the cafeteria.

"How was the dance?" Cira asked

"Ok." I replied honestly while waving at people that said hi

Cira gave me a confused expression "ok? You always nail your dances what's different?"

"I don't know, I can't feel sad for the dance and it's making it worse." I shrugged

"It'll be ok." she gave me a tight squeeze

We were just walking and talking and then a loud laugh came from the cafeteria.

"You should have seen her face! She actually thought we were friends again after she apologized!" , the loud laugh was becoming bigger

"Your plan to put ice water on her in front of the entire school was classic!" , a different voice erupted

"You son of a bitter!" Cira almost got the last word out when I put a hand over her mouth and dragged her to a corner along with Desiree.

"I have to go." Desiree whispered motioning to her phone where her mom texted her

Cira and I nodded and waved goodbye.

"I can't believe this is happening." Cira shook her head

"Can you see them?" , I asked Cira

"No there too far." I squinted

Whoever it was though. They had a plan for me, and Cira and I are about to find out what.

A/N : Sorry for the extremely short chapter! The next one will be longer I promise! Thank you all for 40 votes! Please vote and comment! 300 reads 😭 I'm not crying I have something in my eye *sniffles❤️ love Y'ALL so much!

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