13 Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Aaron (part 1)

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This ⬆️ was made by BlueDevilSquad there amazing!
Shoutout to AshleyW02 she's AMAZEBALLS go read her book!Anyways new chappie whoop whoop*throws hand in the air realizes is the only one dancing goes back to writing

"So, who was the guy that wanted to kill me?" Aaron scooted closer

We were in Aaron's bedroom after dinner and doing homework.

I gave him an odd look, "Who? You mean James?"

"What other guy looked at me like he wanted to throw me into the pits of hell?" He chuckled

I smiled at his laugh. Aaron coming back just made me realize how much I missed him, "He's nice...once you get to know him. We were best friends after you left but we eventually grew apart." I told him not wanting to reveal the entire truth.

He looked at me like he knew but he just shrugged, "Well I'm getting some ice cream you want to come?"

I stood up immediately,"Yeah let's go." I said grinning

James POV

I knocked on Liam's door frantically. After Kayla stormed out after she found out about me and Cira I needed to talk to the one person that understood me.

"What?" my bestfriend annoyingly groaned

"Nice to see you too buddy." I sarcastically patted him on the back inviting myself into his house

"Oh yeah sure come in I wasn't studying for an exam or anything." Liam rolled his eyes

"We've got a problem." I told Liam getting straight to the point

Liam raked his hand through his hair, "When do we not?" He chuckled

"This is different. Kayla has this new guy that came out of the middle of no where right when I was going to tell her I liked her. She got mad at me because of the whole Cira thing and now I don't know what to do." I huffed a tired breath sitting down

Liam just narrowed his eyes at me, " One. Go get her and tell her how you feel before it's too late. Two. Chill the guys probably ugly. Three. I agree with Kayla on that one you better fix what you did to Cira." He sounded angry but I just let it go

I nodded standing up, "Yeah, I'm gonna tell her how I feel"

He patted my back, "Yeah! Go tell that troll that he can't get your girl!" Liam stood up straighter, "In a reasonable tone with good manners." He added quickly

I laughed, "Alright, could you see Cira. Even though I broke it off I want to see if she's ok."

He smiled, "Yeah I got it."


Kayla POV

"Do you want whip cream?" Ronnie asked from behind the fridge

"Sure, chocolate or vanilla?" I asked him holding the two flavors up

He bit his lip, "chocolate."

I laughed he always did that when he had a hard decision.

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