2 Betrayal is Sweet

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"I can't do this anymore." James huffed

"What are you talking about?" I laughed turning around from my locker where James and I always meet

"I don't want to be friends with you anymore. That's it." James strained

I was taken aback, "What's going on James? What's the problem? You were fine a few days ago."

He rolled his eyes, "What's the problem?" Your my problem! Just leave me alone!"

"Fine!" I yelled at him and walked away

I thought that the fight would pass over like any other disagreement we had but it never did. I tried texting him multiple times and he never answered.

Here I am. Laying in bed two months later and I still have no idea what I did.

A small cream from the door opened and I was silently praying it was James."Are you ok?"

Dylan asked me for what seems like the millionth time.

"No. Do you know why James is mad at me?" I ran my hand through my hair

"Just talk to him in person if you want answers." Dylan exasperated

"Your right. Thanks Dyl." I smiled

"Anytime Kay." Dylan smiled back and left the room

I waited at James locker to talk to him. I hope Dylan's right I need to know why he's not talking to me.

"Kayla? What're you doing my locker?" James asked disgustedly with two friends behind him. One of them I noticed was Liam

I scoffed, "I don't know. We haven't talked and I don't know why your acting like a jerk."

He shook his head, "When will you get that I just don't want to be friends with you anymore ok?" He shoved me

I fell to the ground my books sprawling all over the cold hallway floor.

"Not cool." Liam shoved past James and offered a hand to me. "I'm sorry about him. If you need I can beat up my own best friend."

I frowned at the word 'my own bestfriend' but shook my head,"I got this."

I walked over to James who was talking to his other friend and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Are you done helping the brat out yet?" He said without turning

"The brats about to give you a little help." I crossed my arms

He turned around,"Kayla just go away before you get hurt."

I slapped him, and it felt so good. There was an ice cream in someone's hand that I stole and smushed it in his face

"You little-"

"Save it for the nurse." I licked ice cream off my finger walking away

"You go girl!" A random girl that had brown hair with tips of blonde said to me

I tilted my head,"Do I know you?"

She held out her hand, "Cira Gatings."

I took it,"Kayla Thompson."

"Nice to meet you!"

"You too." I smiled

"Where's your next class?"

"History." I remembered

"Me too!" She said ecstatically

I smiled. At least something good came out of this terrible day.

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