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We hit a milestone! Thank you all readers, silent and all, commenters, voters, friends, and followers. When I started this book, almost a year ago, I thought it would be nothing but as time progressed it became so much more then I ever thought was possible. You all make me so happy and although for others 1k isn't a big deal, it's just the beginning to a great journey. Special thanks to: Ashley, you got my book started and u were my first Wattpad friend! Luna I don't even know if you still know me but thank you for reading my book and recommending it to people, Alissa, my best commenter and supporter, Lindy, the Stiles to my Scott thank you for the love. Catherine, my best friend, thank you for making me laugh and inspiring my inner happiness. Last but not least to all of my supportive readers you all rock! Sorry for the little updates school is really hard right now but it makes me feel loved when I don't update and you still read. FEELING EXTREMELY BLESSED,


Who is currently crying;)

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