16 Goodbye Will Be Our Always

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One month after the incident.

I'm a mess of epic proportions.

I'm just going to be as frank as possible.

I'm not doing so well in the life department.

What was wrong with me? I never focused in school, I neglected my friends, and I submerged myself in boys, boys. I let myself get distracted in what should have been the year of my life but I messed up. Bad. How could I let something so minor become bigger, bigger than it ever should have been.

Now the only question was what I did first.

"Hey everyone." I walked up to my usual table

Yelling was expected but I really hoped Riley wouldn't start flailing her arms around, the girl had a strong punch.

Riley, Jacob, and Hannah all stared at me when Jacob cleared his throat,

"It took you long enough."

Riley nodded in agreement handing me a basket of fries.

I scratched the back of my head confused,"You guys aren't mad?"

"Oh no I reasoned to choke slap you," Riley smiled."Jacob said that was a little too much."

Hannah scooted me a chair and Jacob gave me two packets of ketchup.

And at that moment, I knew that we were all ok.


Ok so I just made amends with my friends now all I need to do is ace this stupid chem test.

"Avery Stewart, 73." The teacher called out each name slowly and it felt like an eternity.

Avery was the top of our class and she barely passed. So in short I'm basically from failing to COMPLETELY DOOMED.

"Kayla Thompson," please, please, please, I thought to myself,


Victory is mine.


I danced around at my locker while Riley laughed,

"Is this necessary?"

I looked at her long and hard,

"Are u kidding me? Senior year is over, let's celebrate!"

I started dancing again as Riley shrugged and also started happy dancing.

Hannah and Jacob came from their class.

"The entire student body is looking at Riley's awful dance moves."

"Hey thats my girlfriend you're talking about." Jacob nudged Hannah

Riley started arguing with Jacob and Hannah about how could she could dance.

From the corner of my eye I could see James with Liam talking with a lazy smile.

"So we're breaking up." James leaned on the concrete wall

"I don't know. It's your fault anyway doofus you started making me think about my future." I playfully punched his shoulder

He laughed,"Yale? Can't believe you managed that. Although you do have a niche for arguing with people."

I apparently did really well on my SAT, who knew?

I raised an eyebrow,"Duke? Now thats something we all saw coming basketball wiz."

"Y'know Duke and Yale are pretty far from each other."

"I'm glad that we get to focus on ourselves. Maybe if and when we ever meet again we'll be new, better versions of ourselves, and I think we both deserve that." I smiled at him

"I'm a phone call away. Who knows how much trouble you'll cause or how many rocks you'll trip on." James pulled me in for a hug

"Stop being dramatic. Liam's going to be heading to Yale to and plus I've only tripped on four-ow, make that five, rocks today!" I shoved him off me

And as I looked around I realized that we were all heading in different directions. But just because we were all setting out to plan the rest of our lives it didn't mean we had to forget about who we were, who we love, who we surround ourselves with.

Maybe I'll be somewhere I never expected to be.

Maybe I'll be exactly where I'm supposed to be.

But as for my future,well, I'll let the universe take care of that.

After all the universe knew what it was doing, it always had.

A/N: yay last chapter!!! Sorry for the extreme shortness and extraneous update times. I can finally mark the book as completed! I'm going to fully say goodbye formally but for now Thank You.

Lots of tacos,

Xx K

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