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"Did you hear that?" ,the voice asked

"No." , the other voice started looking around

"I heard a noise." , the voice snapped

Cira began to stand up and being the clueless idiot I followed her. When she began to walk over to the figures I knew what was going to happen next was not going to be good.

"Hey! Trash holes! Over here!" , she yelled out waving her hand up vigorously I looked at her like she was a wacko but there was a glint of anger and mischief written in her eyes.

They turned there heads and mumbled something under there breath before walking towards us. As the figures got closer to us my heart started beating faster. I mentally tried to prepare myself for who was coming towards me but when the two figures stood in front of me my heart completely stopped.

"No way." Cira muttered

"Hey, how long have you guys been standing there." Jacob rubbed his neck

"Long enough to know that you and James have been messing with Kayla!" Cira shouted almost to loud

I put a hand on her shoulder "Can you two give us a moment." I motioned towards Jacob

After a long time of protesting she thwacked Jacob on the head, huffed and shoved James to go the other way. Probably to give him a good talking too. I laughed knowing that that was going to be good

"So...are you mad?" Jacob said suddenly snapping me out of my thoughts

I looked at him like he was completely insane. "Mad would be an understatement, Jacob!" I shouted

"Look you know I was never popular with the guys so when they told me they wanted to mess with you I did it." He shrugged "Its not a big deal, your overreacting."

I stared at him in complete shock. "Listen here Patterson" I stepped closer "You were one of my best friends and you not only let me get soaked in ice water you also lied to my face. You know who was there to pick me up? Cira and Riley and my friends! You! The same exact person who was helping them attack me! So you of all people have no right to tell me or anyone for that matter that I'm "overreacting" I shoved him

He sighed, " When will you ever learn that this school is not a fairy tale, that life is not a fairy tale! Get over yourself Kayla! You wouldn't understand any of this because you yourself are popular! Let's make one thing clear here right now. I never was nor will be your best friend."

When he finished his last words I realized that my eyes were tear soaked and my fists were clenched. I took one long breath and said,

"What do you think your going to accomplish by helping them? Become popular? Get tons of girls? I honestly feel so bad for you. For you to think that you need to stoop so low just to get what you want is actually quite pathetic. I can't believe I'm saying this but your actually worse than James. Because unlike James at least he was brave enough to tell me that he was leaving me for popular kids. Your just an egotistical baby whose to scared for some real confrontation."

As I was saying this I looked around and the entire school had been listening to what I was saying and when I looked back at Cira for help she gave me a finish it look and I did.

"Have a nice life Jacob. I hope you enjoy being the shadows of James and Liam. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a tryout to go to." I pivoted the other direction with Cira right beside me and the sounds of oohs and "roasted" fading in the background.
"You killed it." Cira hugged me as we sat down in the girls locker room

I smiled. That was the first time I've ever spoken like that to anyone before and it felt like a weight that had been lifted off my shoulders. But at the same time I felt like my heart had been crushed into a thousand pieces. My best friend who I trusted so much betrayed me. Not only was I sad but I had built up my anger for too long let things slide too much and I can't believe that it not only happened once with James but twice now with Jacob. Guys are idiots I thought.

"Isn't your audition for officer tonight?" Cira asked suddenly

"Oh yeah it is, I better get home to get ready." I stood up sighing

"You'll be ok?" Cira said worriedly

"I'll be fine." I assured her and called my mom to head home
After my mom dropped me off back to the school where the auditions were taking place I felt a lot better about everything and I was ready. With my hair up in a high ponytail and the makeup I put on I headed out of the changing rooms to take my place on the bench to wait my turn to go. Just as I was leaving I dropped my phone. I went to pick it up and when I looked back up the entire basketball team was staring at me.

"Can I help you." I asked trying to squeeze through them

"No, we just wanted to tell you how much we admire you for sticking up to Jacob." Liam winked

I sighed , " Thanks but if you'll excuse me I have a audition to get too."

"Not so fast pretty lady." James mused "If you think that you can get away with what you did your surely mistaken."

I scoffed, "Are you threatening me? You must be so glad Dylan left early for college."

"What could you do about it, Thompson." James mocked

I sighed, "Oh James, haven't changed have you? Still clueless in the brain aren't you?"

"What are y-" James started

Seconds later he was on the ground clutching himself with half of the guys looking at me in fear. I smiled "Before you try to threaten someone, I moved closer, know who your dealing with."At that point they all started running. I stepped over James and went into the gym.

I was shaking so hard waiting to be called up. This past day was very overwhelming for me and I hope I can channel that through dance. They called my number and I took my place soaking in the spotlight.

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