13 Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Aaron(part 2)

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Previously: "I like you ok? I can't take not being with you or just being friends! I get it you have a best friend that I dated and I had feelings but really you were the only person I truly liked and its been this way since damn grade school!" James huffed

I stood speechless. I had no idea what to say. "James I-"

Aaron walked out, "Is everything ok?"


James shot a look at me and shook his head,"There was never anything to be ok with."

"James please I-"

"Drop it." James forcefully smiled. "You look really good together by the way." He started walking away

Aaron walked over to me,"Are you ok?" He touched my arm

I flinched away,"This was a mistake."

Aaron closed his eyes and dropped his hands in despair,"You still like him, don't you?"

I shook my head,"No, no of course not-

"Don't lie to me Kaylie, I know you." Aaron crossed his arms

I threw my hands up in frustration,"I don't know! All I know is I don't want to lose him."

He looked at me solemnly,"Run."

I moved closer and embraced him in a hug,"I'm sorry, but I don't regret anything. Our one day of dating was great." I mumbled as he chuckled

"Go get em Kay." Aaron squeezed my side and let me go

And I did.

James was sitting on his porch running his hand through his hair.

He looked up shockingly,

"Kayla what are you doing here?"

"I- um- I don't know. Could you just give me a second to-woah that's a lot of running." I said breathlessly

"Leave, just go home." He said through gritted teeth

"James please just hear me out." I huffed a tired breath

He started leaving when everything just came rushing out of me like a bucket of cold water,

"Whenever you were with Cira, it hurt. It hurt more than it should. Not because she's my best friend but because I knew deep down that She wasn't right for you, because I was.'

Stop. Stop talking Kayla.

His back was still to me. In one swift motion he started walking toward me until he was standing right in front of me. I couldn't stop it from all coming out though,"I hate everything about you! Your stupid pretty face, and your dumb smartness, and your cute evil smile, all of it!

I started hitting him repeatedly. Over and over until he caught at my wrist and pulled me to him forcefully.

"I have a secret Thompson."

I rolled my eyes and laughed lightly,"Oh gee I pour out my heart to you and you think this is the time to tell secrets?"

"Just listen would you? I went out with a ton of girls to try and get over you. I mean I even went out with your best friend!-

"Yeah, yeah we get it your a player." I frowned

He let out a chuckle at that and continued,"You want to know why I did it? You. I couldn't face the fact that my own best friend could love someone like me. That I actually had the chance with you, and when I did? I was scared. Scared of chasing you off. Scared of ruining our friendship. Scared of showing you every broken piece of me, but most of all scared of loving you too much to where it drives me to insanity. So yes, my entire life I may have been careless and stupid but you, you were the best choice I've ever made."

He pulled me to him and the next moments were a blur. As if it was the shortest and longest amount of time witnessed.

"Don't think your completely off the hook grasshole." I smiled our foreheads still touching


Hey y'all short and rushed but needed love y'all so much ❤️❤ 900 reads GEEZ YALL ARE AWESOME️ -

K Xx

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