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It's been officially 3 weeks since Iwaizumi moved in.

During those 3 weeks he learned a lot.

He got used to helping Oikawa shower and bathe, he got used to cooking everyday and helping Oikawa eat.

He got used to being next to Oikawa.

It was the evening and Iwaizumi was in Oikawa's room, reading a book.

Oikawa loved Iwaizumi's voice. His mother only read him books when he was little so listening to someone reading them to him now made him happy.

And the fact that it was Iwaizumi made him even happier.

Iwaizumi's voice was beautiful to Oikawa. He didn't know what he looked like, but his voice and the warmth that Iwaizumi had made him feel all fuzzy.

"Iwaizumi, I have a weird request" Oikawa said, gaining Iwaizumi's attention.

"What is it? "

"Could you describe how I look like? I want to know.. I'm probably ugly, but.." Oikawa felt Iwaizumi move a little bit.

"Never in a billion years I want to hear you call yourself ugly. You are very handsome. To start with, you have very soft chestnut hair. Your eyelashes are long and you have a cute nose. Your lips are light peach colored and they match your skin tone perfectly. You are pale, but your skin is as smooth as silk. You have long legs and a flat chest. Your eyes are beautiful, very beautiful. They are.. It's hard to explain. They are magical. Don't ever call yourself ugly, you are a beautiful human being, Oikawa"

"You know, I don't really know how chestnut or peach colors look like, but the way you described me makes me happy"

Oikawa reached out till he felt something. It was Iwaizumi's t-shirt. His hand slowly traveled up till he felt something soft. That something moved.

"You are touching my lips, Oikawa" Iwaizumi said, he heard Oikawa giggle, but he still kept touching his lips.

They were soft. Oikawa tried imagining how they look like, but he couldn't.

"How do you look like, Iwaizumi?"

"Hmm.. Well my skin is darker, I know it's hard for you to understand, but just try imagining. I have short spiky hair, I work out, so my body structure is different than yours, and I am a little bit shorter than you actually" Iwaizumi laughed a little bit, but he soon felt Oikawa touch his forehead. His bright eyes, for once, stared into Iwaizumi's dark ones. Oikawa's fingertips slowly traveled to Iwaizumi's hair.

"It.. Is that what spiky feels like?" he said. This was all new to him.

The two stayed like this for a while, enjoying the moment.


At around 1 AM Iwaizumi heard a sound coming from Oikawa's room. It sounded like a cry.

He quickly got up and walked to his room.

Upon opening the door he saw Oikawa, clutching his pillow and crying softly.

He hurried to his side.

"What is it? What happened? Did you injure yourself?" Iwaizumi asked, stressed.

Before he knew it, Oikawa flew into his arms.

"I-I don't know.. I j-just woke up and I felt scared.."

"Maybe a nightmare?"


Oikawa pressed his ear to Iwaizumi's chest. He listened to his heartbeat. The sound was better than any song in the world.

"Iwaizumi, could you stay here with me?" he asked. He heard Iwaizumi say "yes" and they both lied down on the bed.

Iwaizumi pulled Oikawa close, letting him listen to his heart beat.

For some reason Oikawa loved listening and feeling Iwaizumi's heart beat. It always made him feel this weird feeling inside.

Oikawa felt how Iwaizumi fixed his hair, he felt how his fingers traveled across his spine.

He shivered.

Right there, in his hands, he felt safe.

For as long as he can remember people neglected him.

All he wanted was friends. His mother would bring her friends and their kids to their home.

He remembers that there was this one kid, if he recalls correctly his name was Kei, that said that he kinda understands how Oikawa feels. He explained that he wears glasses because he can't see well. Oikawa wanted to be his friend, but Kei never visited again.

When he was 14 he met two teenagers. They came over to his house when Oikawa was celebrating his birthday.

Matsukawa and Hanamaki.

Till this day, they come over on his birthday. They are good people and never make fun of Oikawa, but he used to wish that they would visit more.

Now.. Now he doesn't want that anymore.

Now he has Iwaizumi and he doesn't want to share him with anyone.

He closed his eyes and felt himself drifting off to sleep with Iwaizumi by his side.

"Hey..Iwaizumi.. Tell me a story" Oikawa said half-asleep.

"There was once a boy. That boy loved playing outside and being with friends. But as he started growing up, he realized that people started leaving him. He lost his beloved friends, soon he lost contact with his family. The poor boy felt sad and didn't know how to live like that.."

"I feel sorry for that boy.."

"Don't worry, that boy isn't sad anymore. He found someone really important to him and he is now happy"

He saw Oikawa smile and after a couple of minutes he was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

"I'm not sad anymore.. I found you, Tooru"


I really enjoy writing this.
Hope you enjoyed!

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