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Iwaizumi stumbled upon something interesting.

It was something that he wanted to see for a while now.

Oikawa was sleeping on the sofa, while Iwaizumi was quietly cleaning the house. He was looking through the cabinets when he saw a photo album.

He took it in his hands, it was heavy and dusty.

The title said "Tooru".

He went to the kitchen and sat down at the table, his trembling hand opened the photo book.

The first page was filled with photos of a cute tiny baby.
His mother looked so young and the baby looked very peaceful.

The second page was filled with the photos of a bit older Oikawa. Iwaizumi then saw the first photo of Oikawa and his bright eyes.

Gosh, he was so adorable.

He hasn't changed much.

Iwaizumi couldn't help but remember his childhood.

He wasn't exactly a happy child.

His parents didn't really care about him, they were busy working, so Iwaizumi spent most of his time with his grandpa.

He still remembers and loves his grandpa. He was a truly good man, his mother said that he inherited his big heart from him.

He would read Iwaizumi bed time stories, he would take him in trips and buy him things.

But one day his grandpa was diagnosed with lung cancer.

He didn't have much time left, yet he still spent time with Iwaizumi.

He remembers the last evening they spent together. His grandpa had become skinny and pale, he was in his hospital bed. Iwaizumi was sitting on the bed next to him.

His grandpa told him stories from his childhood, he gave Iwaizumi advice.

But there was one thing in particular that Iwaizumi still remembers.

His last words to Iwaizumi were:

"Hajime, time will get shorter and shorter for you. You might have your ups and downs, but always remember your family. Time will fly by and you won't even notice how you will graduate. Find something that you like to do, don't push yourself. The time will come when you will find that special someone. It shouldn't matter to you what gender that someone will be, what should matter is what they are hiding inside. Take your time exploring. I will be there to watch over you"

Those words changed his whole life. He started looking at the world in a different way.

He used to see a boring world, but now it filled with colors.

That's when he discovered drawing and painting. He practised and practised, until he was happy with his work.

However, his situation in the family wasn't exactly the best. And not only in the family, he was pushed away by everyone around him. There was only one person who stayed by Iwaizumi.

And that was Sugawara Koushi.

Iwaizumi likes to remember the times he spent with Suga. They used to play outside, Suga would watch him draw while Iwaizumi would listen to him sing.

Suga was the first one who actually understood how Iwaizumi felt.

Too bad, Iwaizumi has a bad luck of loosing everyone that he cares about.

It happened 3 years ago.

Aoffter a trip Sugawara was finally coming back to Japan, to see Iwaizumi. He was so happy, he said that he can't wait to introduce him to his boyfriend Daichi, he said that he bought him a whole lot of stuff.

But that night Iwaizumi received a call from Suga's mother.

A car accident. A terrible car accident took his bestfriends life. Daichi survived, but he was in too much pain.

Iwaizumi will never forget how Daichi looked at Suga's funeral. He looked so... So vain.

His eyes were red from all the tears and yet they kept falling. He was pale and had dark circles under his eyes.

He looked like the person that just lost everything that is important to him.

Iwaizumi didn't know what happened after that, but later he found out that Daichi couldn't bear the pain of loosing Suga and was now in heaven too.

After those incidents Iwaizumi avoided getting close to people. He didn't befriend anyone.

And yet here he was.

He kept staring into one spot, his mind full of memories, his tears falling on Oikawa's pictures.

He didn't even want to think how he would feel if he lost Oikawa.

He was his everything now. His whole world.

A soft sob escaped his mouth.

"...Iwaizumi... Are you crying...?" he heard Oikawa say quietly.

He wanted to say no, but as soon as he opened his mouth another sob escaped. This time louder.

He couldn't control the tears. He hid his face in his arms and cried quietly.






He felt someone touching his back, then his neck and then his hair.

Oikawa tried to understand how Iwaizumi was sitting and as soon as he did, he pulled Iwaizumi into a hug.

He wasn't sure what was happening until he felt Iwaizumi grip his shirt and sob into his chest.

One after another painful cries escaped his mouth. At some point Oikawa started crying too.

He wondered why? Why was he crying? And why did it hurt so much to hear him cry?

Iwaizumi clung to Oikawa's shirt, the warmth that Oikawa was giving off calmed him down a little bit.

His life without Oikawa would be meaningless.


Iwaizumi's backstory for y'all 😌
Guys trust me a bit more.


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