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"Are you scared?" Makki asked. Oikawa nodded slowly.

Tomorrow Oikawa is going to the hospital for the surgery. He was scared.

It was December now.

Iwaizumi had to save up a bit more till he could pay for the surgery. Oikawa told him that even though he wants to be able to see, Iwaizumi doesn't have to push himself so hard. He knows how tired he was. He would spend a whole day with Oikawa, helping him, then take a 2 hour nap and then go to work. He would come back at 7 AM, sleep for one more hour and get up again.

But Iwaizumi never complained. He still got up at 8 AM everyday, he still made breakfast and prepared a bath for Oikawa, he still took Oikawa wherever he wanted and stayed up with him till 10 AM, sometimes even later.

About a week ago Makki and Mattsun finally moved in. They bought a house next to Oikawa and Iwaizumi so they could spend time together. They came over everyday. Oikawa pleaded them to talk with Iwaizumi and pursue him into taking a nap at day time, while Makki and Mattsun help him.

Somehow, it worked. So for the past week Iwaizumi was able to take a 2 hour nap everyday.

Today, Makki and Mattsun came over again, but Iwaizumi refused to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day and he needs to prepare himself and Oikawa for it.

And so that's how Oikawa ended up in his and Iwaizumi's room with Makki, while Iwaizumi and Mattsun were cooking downstairs.

"So, tell me, did you and Iwaizumi...you know.. Do it yet?" Makki suddenly asked.

Oikawa blushed deeply.

"Y-Yeah. We did" He answered. He heard Makki gasp.

"What? Oh my god, tell me EVERYTHING" Makki scooted over closer to Oikawa.

"Well, he was very gentle. Like, extremely gentle. He..umm.. He prepared me carefully too, he told me how much he loves me and, like, it's hard for me to tell, because honestly it felt so good, I can't even describe it" Oikawa smiled to himself.

"Ah, I see. Iwaizumi doesn't look like someone who would be gentle, so I am surprised" Makki said.

"Why is that?"

"How do I explain to you? You see, your body is thin and fragile, while Iwaizumi is strong and buff and he looks like someone who goes to a gym a lot"

"Hmm.. Well, soon I will be able to see him"

"Yeah, I wonder what your reaction is going to be, honestly"

"I will probably cry"

Both Oikawa and Makki sighed before bursting into laughter.

"Food is ready!" they heard Iwaizumi shout.

Makki helped Oikawa walk downstairs and led him to the table.

Iwaizumi saw how Makki and Mattsun exchanged looks. They were clearly up to something.

"So, me and Makki have another announcement to make" Mattsun said as he sat down beside Makki.

"Whath ish ith?" Oikawa asked, his mouth full of rice.

"Me and Makki... Well, we are actually dating"

Oikawa was sure he heard Iwaizumi choke a little bit.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Iwaizumi looked at them in disbelief.

"Well, you guys looked so cute together, we kinda forgot to tell you" Makki laughed.

The four spent a couple more hours together, before Makki and Mattsun left. They told them that they would be at the hospital together.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi were on the sofa, Oikawa was lying in between Iwaizumi's legs, his head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Do you think everything will go well?" Oikawa felt how Iwaizumi put his hand on his back.

"Everything will be okay, I'm sure of it"

But he wasn't. He knew he could trust those doctors, but he had bad luck with loosing his beloved ones. He was just hoping that everything will go fine.

"I'm kinda going to miss your bright blue eyes, but at the same time I can't wait till you see me and those two idiots"

"I can't wait too.. You worked so hard for me, I can't wait till I am able to return the favor"

"I will have to show you my drawings, teach you how to read and write properly"

"Yeah, that's going to be a lot of work"

"I'm willing to sacrifice myself for you"

"Same here"

Iwaizumi placed a kiss on Oikawa's forehead.

"There is a thing I must tell you" He suddenly said. "I must apologize for lying first, I lied about why your parents left. The truth is, they just became tired of taking care of you everyday. They told me that I can take care of you for a week or two and then drop you off at the hospital or at your cousins house. But I refused. I told them that I would never do that. And as soon as I saw you, I knew I made the right choice. It was like love at the first sight for me"

"You did that...for me?" Oikawa was still trying to process his words. Iwaizumi, who could have gotten a job and lived a normal life, chose to stay with a blind boy instead.

"Anything for you"


The big day came.

Oikawa was in the hospital bed, waiting for the doctors. Iwaizumi was by his side.

Makki and Mattsun came earlier, but after a bit Iwaizumi asked if he could have some alone time with Oikawa.

"Just rememeber, that no matter what happens, I will stay with you forever. Even if the surgery doesn't go well, I will stay by your side. You can count on me" Iwaizumi's voice was trembling. He was scared. He felt Oikawa squeeze his hand a littlr bit.

"I know you will. I love you, so don't be so stressed okay?"

Iwaizumi placed a kiss on Oikawa's fingers before kissing him on the lips.

"I love you too"

The next thing Oikawa knew was hearing Iwaizumi leave, while some people walked in.

He soon lost his consciousness.

All that Iwaizumi was praying for now, was for Oikawa to have a successful surgery.




😌 MatsuHana is so cute
Yee, there is not much left to this fanfic, so get ready for a new Daisuga one.

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