10: The Past that Restains The Future

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Emily's POV

The hot air hits my skin as I walk down the street through the burning sun on my skin. I wipe the sweat off my oily face as my stomach flips over and over again. The disgust in the feel of my hair, the hoarse tone of my voice, and the smell of seafood about makes me throw up. I keep swallowing spit to make myself think it's water. I finally make it somewhere a park with a water fountain. I desperately hit the button only to have no water come out. Again and again, I hit the button like a dog that's overheated and needs water as its dying wish. Then the bowl of the fountain turns into a face.

"I bet you wish you had stayed," it smirks. The same smirk every mad person has shown.

"Never!" I yell.

"I bet you wish you hadn't fled then you wouldn't be in this state," another person snickers making me shiver at their voice.

"Don't you wish you weren't knocked up," another laughs. I turn to punch them, to see the mass of bad fosters crowd around me pointing out my flaws and the holes in my life. The little-lost girl in need of a family, a home.

I jolt up screaming at the voices that keep filling my head. Covering my ears in desperate help, I try to stop screaming but I can't. I hear them, I hear them, I hear them haunt me. In my sleep, in my mind, in my life.

"Get out, get out!" I keep yelling.

"Em, Emily," someone says trying to focus my bloodshot eyes. They take a hold of my forearms trying to stop my shaking. It hasn't been this bad in a while.

"They-they," I try to speak.

"Shh, shh, it's alright," the person says gently cuddling me. I break in tears while trying to calm down.

"Emily, breathe. In and out, in and out, okay, in and out," Jen instructs. I take deep breaths over and over until I finally calm down.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" she asks.

"Emily, what happened?" She says in a serious tone. I look away not wanting to speak.

"Please?" She says in a begging whisper. I don't bother looking up again. I hear Faith's screams coming from her room. I try to get up and get to her before someone else does.

"Emily it's okay she'll go back to sleep," Jen stops me.

"No, no. They're gonna get her," I say struggling to get out of Jen's tight grip.

"Emily, no, no one's trying to get you, or Faith," she says.

"Yes, yes they know where I am. I need to get her," I try to convince Jen again before breaking into tears again.

"Emily, shh, shh, it's okay," she stays wrapping me in her arms. Jen sits on the bed stroking my back as I sit next to her.


"Emily, come on get up, you have to get ready for your tutor," Jen shakes me. Somehow I ended up falling asleep. I normally never fall asleep after something like that. I mean there's been worse but there have also been dreams not as bad.

I get up and shower and get dressed and presentable. I walk downstairs for breakfast where Jen is making Taylor breakfast before she goes to preschool. Taylor was rambling on about something about Hayley who's one of her best friends at school.

"Hey, Taylor, hold on one minute," Jen stops her.

"Okay," she says in a kind of sad tone.

"Em come here," she says, taking my hand and leading me to the office.

"So Ally called me she wants you to come to Nashville for a music thing," Jen tells me.

"I'll call her later and say yes?" I say trying to guess what her answer was.

"Sure, I think it'll be good for you to get out there and let your music be heard," Jen smiles, before her tone starts to get serious, "Hey, how are you?"

"Fine," I say wanting to leave the conversation suddenly.

"No, how are you?" she says emphasizing 'how.' Images of last night burn through my head like a wildfire spreading.

"Okay, I'll live don't worry," I say.

"Emily I do worry cause it hurts me to see you like that," Jen says.

"Well it's life, and life happens," I say before turning to leave. Life happens. Crap happens.

The screams, the shouts, the hunger growls, the dryness of my tongue, the helplessness of my figure, all the images of the dream and past dreams burn holes in my focus and concentration. All the time my past holds me back from my future cause life happens. And I remember it all too well.

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