13: Coming Home

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Jen's POV

I came home around eleven. I slipped out of my heels and dressy clothes then changed into plaid black and red pajamas pants and a gray shirt that said "Wifi and Coffee"

I went to check on Emily before going to sleep. I knocked on her door carefully. I peeked in, lights out but her phone was buzzing on her nightstand. I crept in and picked up her phone.

It had ten text messages from Hunter. Who's Hunter? The

I read it a few, "Emily?" "Em? Are you still there?" "How was the Doc, other than the interrogation?" "My sisters say to tell your mom hi"

I set it down and smile at her. I kiss her forehead and pull her covers up. I'm glad she got some sleep. I'm always worried about her when I'm not there.


"Em, Emily," I shake her. It's about six and we have a long flight to Kentucky. I'm there for a full week then I head out for the X-men press and a few other things I'm supposed to be present at.

"What?" She says looking over at me.

"Hey, honey, I let you sleep in, so we've got to go. Come on," I say taking her bag and leaving the room. She comes down showered and dressed.

"Do you want breakfast or wanna pick it up?" I ask as she stretches and yawns.

"Later," she says through a yawn.

"Alright sleepyhead, grab your shoes, the cars gonna be here in about five minutes," I say glancing at the clock.

"Okay," she says going to the mud room.

"Alright, Faith, let's strap you in your car seat," I tell her as move the buckles around her arms.

"Can you get my shoes?" I yell at Emily, remembering that I left them there last night.

"No, you have too many," she yells back.

"Fine," I say buckling the last buckle on Faith's five point strap before trudging to the mud room.

The car comes and picks us up. We make a quick stop at the pharmacy to pick up meds for Taylor and Emily. Then we head to the airport for a long plane ride.


"Jen, let's go, wake up," someone shook me, I rolled off my airplane bed and fell on the ground.

"Jen, are you okay?" Emily asks.

"What? Yeah," I say looking up at Emily who looked utterly concerned for my well-being. She extends a hand and tries to help me up but I pull her down with me.

"Jen!" Emily yells probably waking up Faith.

"Sorry but Karma hurts," I grin standing up. I grab the clothes I came in and go change in the bathroom.

"Jen, we're getting ready to land come take your seat," Emily knocks on the door. The bathroom is so small it takes a lot of time to change in.


After touching ground we hurry and grab our bags then walk as fast as we can through the airport to Connor's car. Practically everyone in my family was busy.

"Hiya," I say opening the passenger door.

"Hey, let's go," he says sarcastically and rolls his eyes.

"Okay, hold on," I say putting our suitcases in the back while Emily straps Faith's car seat into the backseat.

Taylor's POV

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